小作文 【点评教师:陈先忠】 终于考到教育类的题目了,这是今年头一遭,要是预测题目的话,似乎只能这么预测了。需要提醒各位烤鸭的是,即使预测中了大范围(就像这一道题一样,就在我的讲义中,还有范文,上课也讲过),也很难冲击高分,甚至更惨,因为极有可能写跑偏!就像我上一篇博文提及的故事一样。因此,千万别信那些预测,关键是要打好英语基础,学会雅思大作文写作的核心技巧。 【雅思真题】 Some people say that the earlier children start schooling, the better it will be; while others assert that the best time of schooling is at 7 years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 【题目翻译】 有的人认为小孩应该越早入学越好,有的人认为小孩要到7岁才入学最好。分析两个观点并给出自己的观点 【 首先要找关键词 第一种观点的关键词 1. schooling 2. the earlier, the better 第二种观点的关键词 1. best time of schooling 2. 【主题句写法提示:对两种观点各打五十大板,然后再指出自己的立场】 Body 1: 持有第一种观点的人“信任教育”、“信任学校”、“信任教师”、“认为学校教育一定比家庭教育好”、“家庭不担心孩子教育费用等开销”。显然不实际、太绝对。在这一段一定要说明不是越早越好,决定孩子成功的因素很多,启蒙早不是成才的唯一条件。 Body 2: 相反,持有第二种观点的人很有可能“认为学校教育不如家庭教育”、或者“担心早教开销太大”或者“担心老师教不会孩子尊重父母并导致父母与子女关系疏远”等等。显然也很难站得住脚——在这一段一定要提到7岁这个字眼,才不会跑题。建议对各种观点分别进行攻击,说明不是所有家庭孩子都如此(7岁未必是最佳入学时间)就可以了。 结论段: 关键是有家庭实际情况决定孩子的入学时间。当然了,政府、教育部门应该尽可能地为父母提供必要的方便或者育儿指导,以帮助尽可能多的孩子,从而改善教育、提高全民素质。 Body 1 : 从省时角度分析:提早≠有效。过早让小孩接触正规教育,虽说可以让小孩的学习变得系统和有条理性,但是,在某种程度上说,小孩的智力和学习能力的发展还远达不到要求,这样势必影响学习进度,挫败小孩的学习积极性,会适得其反。“罗马不是一天建成的”告诉我们,小孩的学习要符合他们的心理和身理发展的规律。不一定能帮助并促进小孩的未来学业发展,以至于过早接触学校生活给父母带来诸多负担,影响父母工作,给家庭带来混乱,也不利于社会和谐发展。 Body 2: 从知识量/年龄智力的角度分析:早学习≠知识量增大≠收获多。过早学习未必合适和有效。(还应关注非课堂的第一手的经验获得。)知识也分为第一手和第二手经验。为何我们一定要过早把小孩放到学校中, 相反地忽视了给他们非学校教育,如实践、动手能力的培养、启发和自由成长所需要的空间呢?一个小孩不可能因为早学习就能提前形成自己的EQ、SQ和思考能力,不可能掌握所有知识并克服未来的所有困境和挑战,这不但需要符合教育的发展规律——长期性,也得考虑他个人的优缺点、特征和兴趣。 Body3:从国情和家庭分析:虽说早上学省教育开支和资源的投入也就能提前工作,但过早投入社会跳过了童年发展的一些阶段。这样的话,他们的人生发展是不完整的。所以我是不支持这样的。更重要的是,我们有充足的工作岗位提供给这些新生代吗?我们能以此来让他们为国家做贡献和实现他们的理想抱负吗?我们能够推测到的是引起经济发展的瓶颈和难以挽回的后果。此外,早入学也不利于家庭、学校、教师和社会资源的优化利用。 Conclusion:对于那些与众不同的智商极高的小孩,我绝对提倡尊重他个人的发展,但这样的实践是屈指可数的;相反,让大多数小孩7岁再受教育是更值得我们赞同,因为尊重一般小孩的上学年龄绝对能带来事半功倍的积极效果,而并非给他们的发展带来困难,给他们的心智发展带来障碍和不愉快。 Nowadays, there have always been some heated debates as to whether we should let our children go to school at the age of seven or earlier. Some take the view that the earlier the kids receive their education, the better it will be. However, when it comes to my personal perspective, the issue discussed here is such a dedicate one that I am confident with kids initiating their education at the age of seven for the following three reasons. To start with, the first point that we have to make it clear is that the involvement in gaining education for our kids in a quite early age doesn’t meant being efficient in knowledge. Systematic as having our children receive formal education as early as possible is, to some degree, the development of children’s intelligence cannot match with their learning abilities, which, in turn, can be a curse rather than blessing, exerting a negative impact on their academic performance and frustrating their studying passion. As the universally-known adage goes, “ Rome wasn’t built in a day.” which exhorts us to toe/obey the appropriate principal of small children’s development, both physically and psychologically. Moreover, another reason is that starting schooling earlier does not mean children can learn more. Namely, obtaining knowledge in advance is not absolutely suitable and effective. Why should we arrange our children in school so early? By comparison, regardless of the non-school cultivation, such as practice, enlightenment and growth space, to name just a few. For this reason, starting schooling at 7 is better. The third advantage of is in relation with the status quo of the financial conditions of families. Apparently, starting schooling at 7 saves educational budget, facility costs as well as resources payment. In conclusion, to those who are outstanding and extremely talented, it is advisable to show some respect to their personal development; however, so seldom do we witness this kind of children. In contrast, it is desirable for us to get children cultivated at the age of seven. As a satisfying result, the educational effect will be doubled instead of bringing them some obstacles and frustration to the development of their future.
3个pie charts 比较农业,工业,服务业在中国,意大利,美国的就业贡献量。时间两个1980,2011
中国1980农业70%,然后工业,最后服务业2011 三个指标差不多,仍然农业最多
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