IELTS Essay : Maternal Love
by Mr. Jeenn Lee Hsieh
for www.ieltschn.com
>Many people believe that women make better parents than men and this is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Write an essay expressing your points of view.
by Mr. Jeenn Lee Hsieh
for www.ieltschn.com
>Many people believe that women make better parents than men and this is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Write an essay expressing your points of view.
Sample Essay:
全职做母亲是一项报酬最高的工作之一, 因为所得的收入是纯纯的爱。不谈别的,养育子女就是爱的表露。 一般人可以理解到一个事实,在多数的社会里,论养育儿童, 女人要比男人扮演更大的角色。这一点,倒不是因为父爱小于母爱, 而是因为母爱确实有所不同。
Being a full-time mother is one of the highest paid jobs since payment is pure love. More than anything else, parenting is about love. It can be understood as a reality that women, rather than men, play the greater role in raising children in most societies, not that paternal love is less but that maternal love is different.
造成这种事实的部分缘故在于时间与耐心, 两样条件都是女人胜过男人。再说, 若说要促进和支持一个小孩的成长,好多方面都必须要顾及得到-- 生理上的,智力上的,社会上的,还有最要紧的是亲情上的。 说来也奇怪,母子连心互动的爱是来自直觉反应, 这种现象并不限于亲生母亲。更有趣的,母爱又像独特又像平凡, 全然似非而是。部分的解释可以这么看,母亲时而亲热,时而责骂, 其实在孩子的记忆里一样都是爱。如此看来, 父爱真是有点不一样了。
Part of that reality is that parenting requires time and patience, both of which women have more than most men do. Besides, to promote and support the development of a child, it is essential to be engaged in many a way--physically, intellectually, socially, and last but not least, emotionally. Curiously, mother-child interactive emotions are inspired by love through natural instinct, often beyond biological relationships. The emotional connection between a mother and her child is is such that maternal love is almost like destiny. It is interesting to note, too, that maternal love is not only both unique and universal but also paradoxical. This paradox may in part find expression in that some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, love being the same as remembered. For that matter, fatherly love seems to be somewhat different.
互比之下,父爱通常代表严父的形象,比较偏于管教的价值, 教导孩子将来怎样能够生存与发达于浩浩紧迫的世界里。 先提一件事,多数当父亲的都是一家生计的主要来源, 这样一来陪孩子的时间也就少于母亲,因为一般母亲照顾孩子, 不谈放假。总之,从哪一方面看, 父亲养育子女的工作接近于兼差或季节性。 再举一个经典实例来证明此事,单身母亲的成绩好过单生父亲。 论结果,如果没有额外因素,几乎可以肯定女人单亲胜于男人单亲。 这种情况不会有很大的改变, 即使当母亲的人也像父亲一样需要在外工作讨生计。
In comparison, the image of paternal love is more typical of a strict father placing a strong value on discipline as a means to survive and thrive in a usually harsh world. For one thing, most fathers are principal bread-winners in the family and thus may spend less time with their children than does the average mother who enjoys no holidays in raising kids. After all, in all appearances a father's work in parenting tends to be part-time and seasonal. The situation of single parenting is a classic example to prove that a woman is better than a man as a parent. For results, chances are that a single mother can outdo a single father, other things being equal. This situation has not changed dramatically even though more women are having paid jobs like men.
回头作结论,论养育儿女, 母亲好过父亲的道理主要在于天生的亲情连贯, 可以说是自然界的一种真相, 而这种表现又与许多野生动物的母爱相同。所以, 虽说小孩对父母都爱,只是养育之责,就以直觉感受而言, 女人胜过男人。现实具体也可以证明, 每当庆祝母亲节总是比父亲节来得带劲, 这也是表率母亲的工作比较献身,所以也应该比较得到更多爱的补偿 。
To conclude, women are better parents than men chiefly because of the difference in emotional connection and such difference seems to be part of Nature, being true also of many species of female animals in the wildlife. Such kinds of things as nurturing the kids are instinct in females rather than in males, given that children are of course equally loved by fathers and mothers. The phenomenon in which Mother's Day seems to be more heartily celebrated than Father's Day may just symbolize that a mother's work is surely more sacrificing and therefore more rewarding, for pure love's sake.
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