ELTS Essay: Scientists and Tourists in South Pole
企鹅的故乡 [Topic as seen in Israel, 2011]
前言:以色列网友考完雅思笔试后传来一个稍微冷门的真题。 原题是讨论一个抽象的冲突: 观光客和科学家一样旅行到企鹅的遥远故乡--南极大自然界, 试问这种发展到底是佛利多于弊?
评论:一般考生对于南极的景观陌生, 仅凭个人的知识与经验作素材,不容易提出理由,例子,细节, 借以支持主题的内容。可行的方式之一是找出抽象冲突:观光 vs 污染。背景是南极,自然会联想企鹅,随便说说搞趣味。 本题的难处在于必须分开科学家与观光客,二者不能相提并论。 如果不提及科学家也就等于冒跑题的风险。 不讲观光客的坏话则寸步难行。
考生对于立场的选择很清楚:支持南极的环保,观光客不可靠, 应该限制人数而减低对大自然的伤害。少数科学工作人员功在环保, 应不受此限。
作文技巧不如英文造句重要。句子灵,作文太平。 至于南极的春夏秋冬,沙漠似的冰天雪地,20世纪的探险悲剧, 科学上的新发现,以及其他种种传闻,猜想考生也记不起来, 干脆不要处理,提出来也是文不对题。文中举出两部企鹅动画电影, 谢振礼老师没看过,只不过是没话找话说,反正不走题。 介绍企鹅入场,未必高明。不提企鹅,脑袋里空空。
》Nowadays both scientists and tourists can go to remote natural environments such as South Pole. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the advantages?
Example Essay:
Scientists are not the only few hundreds attracted to Antarctic as every year tens of thousands of people are also going there on a short tour of the ice, the water, the wildlife, the solitude, and the homeland of penguins. The hordes of visitors--by South Pole standards-- can pose a threat for the vulnerable areas at the bottom of the globe. After so many notorious human behaviors harming the planet's eco-system, who can actually believe that this trend can be something like eco-tourism ?
It is understandable that much of scientific research on Antarctic is devoted to unraveling the mysteries of the universe in general and evaluating the influence of global warming in particular. And this must be considered as a positive development since scientists are making efforts to look into even the remotest natural environments such as South Pole. The case with tourists is of course different. Although the time that tourists spend visiting Antarctic is relatively short in duration, comparatively high is the impact that each visitor has on its fragile eco-system. Besides, the manner in which they get there, either by ship or by plane, is polluting the last frontiers on earth. That is to say, more tourism, more contamination.
That tourism has increased dramatically on Antarctic in recent years is anything but good news to both environmentalists and animals alike, including penguins. As international tourism grows, many passengers can afford an expedition to the realm of penguins once in a lifetime. At this point, it is interesting to add that movies such as "Happy Feet" and "The March of Penguins" may have encouraged penguin tourism to jump, which has certainly given rise to more pressures on penguin colonies. The growing tourist invasion is taking its toll on the continent, and in one incident years ago an oil spill was reported due to a cruise running aground with a huge iceberg. Due partly to such kind of damage as caused by human activities, there is a serious push to limit the number of persons other than scientists to visiting Antarctic. Scientists there have begun worrying about more unexpected visitors to come, and further calling for the need to introduce new regulations.
In conclusion, seemingly innocent tourism should not entirely be acceptable when it comes to earnestly protecting natural environments in the South Pole. Perhaps some places on the planet are not meant to be visited by tourists, and some places can only be visited by scientists. After all, it is better to think that penguins along with all other living things in the habitat need no tourist money to survive with, let alone man-made tunes to dance to.
[An IELTS model essay created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh]
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