流程图一直是众多烤鸭心中的噩梦,可是说到底不过是描述一个过程或是一个顺序。一下是外国网站对于流程图写作的分析,语言很简单可以理解,还有一些有用词汇的介绍一定会对大家有所帮助~~ Some of the most useful vocabulary for describing a process is the language of sequencing. This means that you need to find language to say in what order each thing happens. The key here is variation. Try not to use "and then" "and then" all the time. Here are some alternatives 1.Stage and step----two of the most useful words you can learn for processes. Word Example Stage The first stage in the process is that the customer offers to pay by credit card. Step The next step is the payment must be authorised by the credit card authority. 2.Before and after----Each of these words has grammar you need to learn. The good news is that each word shares the same grammar. Before/after + verbING eg Before receiving the goods, the customer must first have his credit card payment authorised. Before/after + verb phrase eg Before the customer can receive the goods, the credit card payment must first be authorised notes: You cannot use a "will" after these words: so you cannot write "Before the customer will receive the goods". Be careful with "after" and "afterwards": you use "afterwards" with a comma to mean later. Afterwards, the merchant receives payment from his bank." 3.Until----This is a tricky but extremely useful word. Its general use is to describe something thathappens up to a point in time and then stops. It is frequently used as "not until" grammar example until + verb prase The customer cannot receive his goods until the payment has been authorised. notes Like "before" and "after", "until" is not used with a "will" Be careful with the spelling. Until only has one 'l", unlike "till" which has "ll" 4.Once ----Another useful word. This means almost the same as "After". egOnce the consumer's bank has authorised payment, the goods can be released to the customer 5.Having ----This is an excellent grammatical structure to use. It is just the sort of English that will impress the examiner. Having + third form of verb eg Having authorised payment by credit card, the consumer's issuing bank releases funds to the merchant's bank.
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