Essay conclusions
Golden rules四大黄金法则
- make sure you answer the question 一定要回答问题
- either summarise or restate your position 要么总结要么重申观点
- do not use new information 不要加新东西
- aim for 2/3 sentences 写两三个句子就好
- Make sure you answer the question as it is asked. For example, if the question asks you “to what extent”, make sure your conclusion says how much you agree. 问题问什么就要答什么
- Balance your introduction and conclusion – using the sandwich technique 利用总分总的结构来平衡你的开头段落和结尾段
- Vary your vocabulary: do not repeat the language of your introduction or the question word for word 不要重复使用在开头段或是问题中的词语
- Do not try and include too much information: state your position and choose your best argument for or against. Do not try and summarise all your arguments. 表明观点或者选择同意还是不同意,不要试图总结所有论点!
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