
 8分作文对于很多烤鸭来说不是一件容易的事,不过大家不妨来看看想拿8分需要注意些什么!或许没有想象中那么难哦~而且当你用高标准来要求自己,你也就离8分不远啦~~~反正还没拿8分就是在争取拿8分的路上!以下是一位外籍雅思老师对于8分作文标准的解析,着重在语法方面,语法问题应该是所有烤鸭都会面对的,所以不一定是想拿高分的童鞋才应该看哦~~Band score 8 in writing – grammatical accuracy

This is the first of a series of lessons in how to achieve band score 8.0 in writing. It used to be the case that 7.0 was pretty much the highest requirement, but times change and now it is not unusual for certain institutions/employers to ask for 8.0. I certainly get a number of queries on this. So how do you do it? Can it be done? Don’t need 8.0? Read on – you still need to do the same things – only to a slightly lower level. 

In this first lesson, I take you back to basics and explain a little about the marking of IELTS and then focus on one aspect in particular: grammatical accuracy.

Step 1 – understand the rules of the game (the band score criteria)

The first step must be to understand how the writing is marked. If you don’t do that, your chances are much reduced. Let me explain. Native speakers sometimes have to take IELTS too. They don’t always do so well and occasionally embarrass themselves by not getting a band 8 score. Why? Are they not:

想拿8分第一步!了解评分标准~有的native speaker也会考雅思,但是却拿不到8分,是他们英语不好吗?绝对不是,但是所有考试一样,都有侧重考察的东西,了解评分规则便是最重要的第一步:

Band 8 Very Good User
Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well. 


Of course they are. They simply haven’t understood the rules of the game. The rules are like this.

  • Writing is marked according to 4 criteria (lexical resource/grammatical range and accuracy/coherence and cohesion/task response) 写作按照四个部分打分--词汇、语法变化及准确性、连贯和衔接、回答问题
  • You get a score out of 9 for each of these and then the marks are averaged to give you your final score 每个部分的平均分为最后得分

The reality is that if you get much less than 8.0 in any one of those criteria, it becomes much harder to get a final 8.0. Your aim has to be to get 8.0 in each criteria. If you don’t, you probably need to improve your score in the other criteria – tough.因此要拿8分,每一个小单项都要加强!

Grammar – it’s about range and accuracyThis is what it says about grammar.

uses a wide range of structures 运用多种结构
• the majority of sentences are error-free 大部分句子没有错误
• makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies 只有极偶尔才犯错误或不恰当

One point to note is that it is not just about how many mistakes you make. You also need a wide range of structures too. I will explain more about that in a later lesson.

The majority of the sentences are error-freeThis means that if your essay has around 15 sentences ( a good number), then you probably need to write about 10 entirely correct sentences. That means no mistakes.

Makes only very occasional errors or inappropriaciesIn a way, this is another way of saying the same thing. You need to write in such a way as the examiner is surprised when you get something wrong.

How can you achieve this? Learn to check for mistakes 学会检查错误The one thing that will not work is writing very simple language and only concentrate on not making mistakes. You need to a range of grammar too remember. What is does mean is:

  • you almost certainly need a teacher to check your writing and tell you where you make mistakes 请别人帮忙检查
  • you need to build a checklist of the type of mistakes you make – most people have their “own” mistakes and it also makes sense to concentrate on common bits of grammar like “countables” and “uncountables” as you will use these in every sentence. 自制个人错误类型checklist,检查每个小细节
  • you need to understand that grammar is more than just verb tenses: it includes things like word order too 要知道语法不只是时态,还包括词语顺序
  • you need to learn to check your own writing (my personal suggestion is that you don’t leave this to the end of the essay when you are tired, but you check as you go) 学会检查自己的作文

How can you achieve this? Think before you write 下笔前先思考As a teacher, I find that a large proportion of students mistakes are made not because they don’t know the grammar, but rather because they got the writing process wrong. They write. They stop. They think. They write again. The first bit of the sentence is okay and so’s the second bit. It’s just that the two halves don’t match. You may surprised by how many mistakes you avoid by knowing how you want to end the sentence before you start writing it

How can you achieve this? Use plain English

I said above that you should not use too simple English. That is true. What is also true, however, is that it makes sense to avoid complicated English as well – it is only likely to cause more mistakes. This is not just good advice for the exam, it is good advice for life too.

Some basics for writing plainer English

  • avoid long, long sentences (20 words is a long sentence, unless its structure is very simple)
  • don’t forget the basic S-V-O structure of English and think word order (many mistakes in more complex sentences happen when the subject gets separated from the verb)
  • try verbs instead of abstract nouns where you can
  • be careful with relative clauses and other complex structures (one relative is more than enough for each sentence)
  • try and formulate the whole sentence in your head before you start writing. If you can’t, it may be that the sentence is not complex but complicated – not a good thing

How can you achieve this? Avoid complicated ideas and writing too muchThere are no marks in IELTS for quality of ideas. They need to be relevant to the question, but that is all. It really makes no difference if the examiner disagrees with your thoughts. Many candidates who are aiming for a high score (perhaps because they are smart), try to show off with great ideas.

  • Problem – you have 40 minutes and you are writing in a second language.
  • Bigger problem – if you try and write something “clever”, there is a good chance that your language will become over-complex and you will make mistakes you didn’t need to.
  • Point to consider – the more you write: the more likely you are to make mistakes and the less likely you are to have time to check
  • It’s a language test: always remember that.

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