

谢振礼老师 OWL:Online Writing Lab
鹦鹉分类(有实际的用途吗?):education, economy, environment, employment, gender, health, sports, culture, science, technology, crimes, generations, parenting, children, advertising, tourism, travel, history, tradition, pollution, climate change, globalization, arts, food and diet, university, the media, the Internet, cell phones, transportation, housing, fashion, entertainment, museums, libraries, zoos, animal and plants, success, money, happiness, work-life balance, competition and cooperation, foreign languages, telecommunication, movies, TV, etc....
猫头鹰分类(与内容无关):千篇一律用四段定位,18句装配,【起3承6转6合3】。【隐形模板】是看不出来的模板,好像有颜色,但是猫头鹰是色盲,只有两眼茫茫望八方说有八套,包挂大作文六套和小作文两套。好个夜猫子,居然毫不在乎什么高频真题,又什么冷门真题 。猫头鹰只会帮助烤鸭成功提分。这消息,多数晚上挑灯夜战的雅思+托福动物都有所闻,也知道讲义是免费,因为夜猫子看不见钱的颜色。
回答:【起承转合】3-6-6-3. 针对这一类考题,首先要挑选少量有关的词汇--抽象名词。
个人特质(Personal Qualities)是抽象名词,必须认识有用的字汇,不必多,反正能用上几个算几个,对于写作答题很管用。
智(wisdom), 仁(benevolence), 勇(courage), 忠(loyalty), 孝(filial piety), 礼(respect), 义(justice), 诚(honesty)
补充中外认同的品德(Other Examples of Virtue)
respect, help, temperance, prudence, love, humility, trustfulness, self-control, patience,  peace, determination, charisma,humor, intelligence, mercy, dignity, tenacity, frugalness, kindness, morality, modesty, generosity, sincerity, responsibility, compassion, discipline, tolerance, knowledge, forbearance, etc....

列表举例缺德(Examples of Vice: Opposite of Virtue)。有德;缺德。(virtuous=full of virtue; vicious=full of vice)

laziness, vanity, slander, lust, greed, obscenity, anger, torpor. distraction, drowsiness, jealousy, fault,
depravity, sin, wickedness, corruption, absence of shame, concealment of wrongdoing, etc.

》真题讨论有德。说明品德可以拿缺德来比照成趣。也就是“Virtue vs. Vice” --What is virtuous and what is vicious?

--What is a good neighbor? (And what is not?)

--What is a good a good boss or supervisor? (And what is not?)

--What is a good co-worker? (And what is not?)

--What is a good son or daughter? (And what is not?)

--What is a good friend? (And what is not?)

--What is a good roommate? (And what is not?)

--What is a good parent? (And what is not?)

》【隐形模板】提出一个可能的答题格式。请网友体验这套【隐形模板】半成品,是不是用得上?要点是预备。学英文写作不可能不劳而获,关键在于努力的方向。认识抽象名词,看看那几个词用得上到哪几题。普通名词只要替代不同的(        )就行了。如邻居替换成--主管,同事,儿女,朋友,同室,父母。

思维大纲(An Outline)--模板半成品

起--申论主题 Introduction: 1. Thesis Statement, 2. Focus, 3. Two Points A+B
承--支持主题 Body A: Point A
转--支持主题 Body B: Point B
合--重申主题 Conclusion: 1. Point A+Point B, 2. Focus, 3. Restating Thesis

起头*Introduction: 1. Thesis, 2. Focus, 3. Two Points A+B (喜欢又能用就背下来)

主题:1. It is as lucky to have a good (neighbor) as it is a misfortune to have a bad one. (提出立场)
焦点:2. To large extent, the virtues of a good (neighbor) may be characterized by righteousness.(集中焦点)
两头:3. It can be said that a righteous (neighbor) is one who is both  (respectful and helpful).(话分两头)

接头*Body Paragraph A--(main point A: respect)

1. (Respect) is a quality that a good (neighbor) cannot do without.(记下句型)
2. Sentence 论证解说
3. Sentence 论证解说
4. Sentence 论证解说
5. Sentence 论证解说
6. Sentence 论证解说

转头*Body Paragraph B--(main point B: help)

1. No less vital to being a good (neighbor) is the virtue of (being helpful). (记下句型)
2. Sentence 论证解说
3. Sentence 论证解说
4. Sentence 论证解说
5. Sentence 论证解说
6. Sentence 论证解说

回头*Conclusion: 1. Point A+Point B, 2. Focus, 3. Restatement of Thesis (记住三个句子与第一段的三句次序颠倒,前呼后应,逻辑连贯)。

两头 1. In conclusion, respect and help are the two most essential qualities that contribute to making a (righteous neighbor).(二合为一)
焦点 2. That is why such important qualities are particularly desirable in becoming a good (neighbor).(还原焦点)
主题 3. Fortunately, more often than not, the world is full of blessings.(重申主题)
》ETS原始TWE Topics编号--
如例015. 论好邻居 Neighbors are the people who live near us.  In your opinion, what are qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.

公平018. 论好主管 What are some important qualities of a good supervisor or boss? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

礼仪022. 论好同事 We all work or will work with many different kinds of people.  In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker, or someone you work closely with? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

忠孝046. 论好儿女 What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have these changed or remained the same over time in your country? Use specific reasons and examples to support yur answer.

信义062. 论好朋友 What do you want most in a friend--someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense oif humor, or someone who is reliable?  Which one of these characteristics is the most important to you? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.

和睦093. 论好同室 Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university.  What are some of the most important qualities of a good roommate? Use specific reasons and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

严慈179. 论好父母 What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain youranswer.(猫头鹰投稿)

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