剑桥范文:缺点找不到 优点学不到


海外大学教师谢振礼Jeenn Lee Hsieh
指错批评     essay3663@hotmail.com 
Model essays can be extremely useful because they show you what you are aiming for, and they contain good vocabulary and correct grammar.  However, the model essays in some IELTS books seem to confuse students because they are written in many different ways. 
Although there is no 'right way' to write any essay, you should find one way and stick with it.  If you write in a different way, don't worry! Use the essays for ideas and vocabulary, but don't change your method.  Maybe you could even rewrite the model essays using your method.
1. 提出答题的立场,藉以限定主题的范围。
2. 提出议论的焦点,藉以缩小主题的话题。
3. 提出焦点的两面,藉以预表主题的论证。
1. 归纳焦点的两面,藉以综合承转的论证。
2. 还原议论的焦点,藉以扩大主题的话题。
3. 再提答题的立场,藉以重申文章的主题。

》评分考官提醒(Writing Exam Skills):
1--Read the topic carefully to understand what you are asked to write about.  You may want to read it more than once.
2--Think before you write.  You may take notes about a logical plan to develop your essay.
3--Write grammatically at rhetorical, syntactic and lexical levels.
4--How well you write is much more important than how much you write.   What matters more is the overall quality of your essay.
5--Don't bother learning essays by heart to use in the exam.  Examiners are looking out for this kind of response and will mark you down for it. 
6--It's much better to work on developing your good writing skills.
7--You can't impress by copying words and phrases from the question paper.  Try to use your own words at all times.
8--Try to avoid repeating the same words, phrases and ideas too often.  Use as wide a range of vocabulary as you can.  It's also better to avoid repeating the same idea too often.
9--Explore different ideas to provide a balanced response.
10--Leave time to check your answer at the end.  If you can, check spelling mistakes, verb and subject agreements, singular/plural nouns, and the flow of your writing.

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