

选词得当与否对文章能否达到写作的目的与要求至关重要, 因此, 为了确切恰当地表达短文的主题, 就必须选择适当的词。选词的标准在于, 所选的词应该准确达意, 通俗易懂, 并符合英语的表达习惯。


例1. When he was at school, he won first reward for good behavior.

此句中用reward词不达意, 应该为prize.

例2. He is well-built, with large shoulders.

此句中large一词太笼统, 抽象, 给人以空泛的感觉, 应改为broad, 就显的具体, 生动, 具有个性。

例3. The living level of the people in China has been greatly raised.

句中level一词不符合英语的表达习惯, 应改为standard.


在英语写作中, 措词造句要尽可能地避免不必要的用词重复, 反复地使用同一个词, 容易使文章单调乏味, 缺乏表现力, 而且会使读者感觉到作者词汇量的贫乏。为了做到这一点, 我们一般采取如下的方法:

(1) 使用不同的单词或短语表达同样的概念。同其他语言一样, 英语中也存在着大量的同义词, 而且在许多情况下, 一个单词的含义往往可以使用一些短语来表示。


例1. The fog was so thick that we could not see anything.(dense)

The fog was so dense that we could not see anything.

例2. You'd better take this table away. It takes too much room.(space)

You'd better take this table away. It takes too much space.

例3. It is said that the new railway station is about twenty miles away from our college.(some,distant)

It is said that the new railway station is some twenty miles distant from our college.

例4. Finally he came to understand it.(At length, In the end, At last…)

At length he came to understand it.

In the end he came to understand it.

At last he came to understand it.

例5. Even if I had a large amount of money, I wouldn't spend much on foods.(lots of, a lot of…)

Even if I had loads of money, I wouldn't spend much on foods.

Even if I had a lot of money, I wouldn't spend much on foods.

例6. An increase in demand causes higher prices.(resultsin, leads to, produces)

An increase in demand results in higher prices.

An increase in demand leads to higher prices.

An increase in demand produces higher prices.

例7. It is generally/widely accepted that …(argued, held, believed)

It is generally/widely argued that

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