Physical work can be a useful form of therapy for a mind in turmoil. Workconcentrates your thoughts on a concrete task. Besides, it is more useful towork--you produce something rather than more anxiety or depression.
本段的主题句是段首句。本段的两个推展句均不能回答主题句中提出的问题。什么是“a mind in turmoil”(心境不平静)Physicalwork又怎样能改变这种情况?为什么它能起therapy的作用?读者得不到明确的答案。建议同学们最好参加一些雅思写作班,了解一下雅思写作技巧很有必要。
It is not always true that a good picture is worth a thousand words. Oftenwriting is much clearer than a picture. It is sometimes difficult to figure outwhat a picture means, but a careful writer can almost always explain it.
It is not always true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes,pictures are pretty useless things. If you can't swim and fall in the river andstart gulping water, will you be better off to hold up a picture of yourselfdrowning, or start screaming "Help"?
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