


Simon 写作观点集:Cities 城市化

1.Reasons for Urbanization 城市化的原因

People move to cities in search of job opportunities

Cities offer greater employment possibilities and a higher standard of living

People migrate to cities from the countryside

Traditional activities like farming need fewer workers nowadays

2.Negatives of City Life 城市生活的缺点

Life in cities has its drawbacks

The cost of living is higher than in rural areas

Some people d not manage to find work

Housing is usually much more expensive

Homelessness and poverty are common on cities

There is a gap between rich and poor

Life in cities can be extremely stressful

There are problems like traffic congestion and crime

Cities lack a sense of community

People do not even know their neighbor

Cities are sometimes described as “concrete jungles”.

3.Pedestrian Areas 人行道

Pedestrian zones in city centre can improve the local environment

Banning cars encourages people to walk or cycle

Many European cities have built bicycle lanes

Dependence on cars is linked to health problems like obesity

People who walk or cycle regularly are generally healthier

Pedestrian areas are safer and more attractive for both residents and tourists


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