1.Some peope think that parents should plan their children's leisure time carefully.Other people believe that children should decide for themselves how to spe
发贴: sadrainbow(抱风狂追) Version 89People worldwide are increasingly traveling abroad to work for period of months or years. This phenomenon brings both advantages and disadvan
发贴:james_qsli 后天理由, 原文发表于http://www.21stcentury.com.cn/article.php?sid=7881&thold=0&mode=&order=0Difference between children's educationIN certain respects, children a
Difference between children’s educationIN certain respects, children are the same all over the world. But many factors affect the development of children, both parental support an
Topic:Should criminals be sent to prison or should they do something else as a punishment? Explain your opinion and give your reasons.sent to a jail:The world would be in great cha