Matthew:How to improve oral English


Hi,everyone,We invite Matthew from Beijing Ielts School today,Let's start asking now......
     Matthew:Hello everyone, I'm currently available to take your questions.中国雅思网+rlE/,q s


网友Anthony :请问,对于实在不了解的话题无话可说该怎么办?经常遇到这种窘境 中国雅思网b*|6p0K7S m6J

Matthew:我自己感觉所有的学生不可能会理解所有的话题。 不过雅思话题因该是比较贴近生活的。 我建议你可以找到一个最简单的切入点。 还有多了解一些热门的话题信息这样会有助于你在雅思考试中发挥更出色。
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网友沈莹 :Hello,I will attend the IELTS next week ,but I do not have enoughconfidence to the speaking!I cannot express my thoughts fluently ,evenI do not have enough thought to answer the question ,what should I do??


Matthew:Gainingconfidence while speaking isn't a hard thing to do. Many people are fartoo scared to speak because they are afraid of saying something wrong.I find most chinese student pronunciation is perfectly understandablealthough at times very quiet.Practising the test environment with a friend or family member can helpquite a lot as you can become more used to the environment and speakingenglish out loud. Often students test below their actual ability justbecause they are very nervous or feel that if they say something wrongthe teacher will laugh at them.The teachers are here to help you, this is their job so students whoare learning english need to understand that having courage and tryingto speak at length is much better than sitting there quietly and notanswering the question.To help you express your thoughts more fluently I suggest choosing atopic or a question and writing down your response on paper first thanreading it aloud. This will allow you to become more used to speakingconstructed sentences as well as boosting your confidence.中国雅思网?)j"P0j)q0|1b}CX
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网友 :Hi,Matthew,form 5.5 to 6.5,how can I prepare in a shortperiod?thanks~ 中国雅思网NY-QOJV3U

Matthew:Thebiggest differences between 5 and 6 points is the ability to speak atlength without pausing or having grammatical errors.To improve this during a short time is to simply practise orally with apartner. As I said previously a lot of Chinese students are simply notused to speaking aloud or having flowing conversation's.Quite often many of these students are too nervous when they enter theexam environment and are unable to reply to simple questions.While practising with your partner you need to at first read aloudclearing at a pace that you find comfortable. You may find your selfspeaking very slowly at the start but as you become more used tospeaking out loud you will be able to improve your speed while keepingyour pronunciation clear.To improve your vocabulary I suggest discussing topics that you canrelate to or find interesting and translating key words from chinese toenglish than using the new words while preforming a practise test withyour partner.
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网友 :I will attend ielts at the end of this month, how can i improve myspeaking to 6.5 or 7?what i should do everyday?ps: i am studying inbeijing ielts of suzhou 中国雅思网a2hmet%j`P

Matthew:Ifyou have read through you're ielts material you should understand thatbetween 5 points and 7 points their are vast differences. The majordifferences are related to your ability to speak at length aboutsubjects without producing grammatical errors, as well as your abilityto having a flowing conversation without large pauses betweensentences.A nice way of practising this is to replicate the environment in whichyou will be tested. Finding a friend who is also around the sameenglish level as your self and take turns being the teacher or student.Most students do not practise their oral english within china veryoften due to the lack of opportunity or environment.After finding a partner to practise with simply prepare 5 to 6 randomtopics to talk about and discuss them at length with your friend.Many students have spoken to me that they find their vocabulary is tosmall to discuss topics at length. A simple option is to first discussthe subject at length in chinese and than convert this to english andgo over it again with your partner. This will allow you to become moreto used to a testing environment aswell as improve your ability tothink quickly while responding to questions.中国雅思网*|w/A"E0?(Cgn!T

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网友 :hey,Matthew.only one week's time left,what should i do to utilizethe left time efficiently ,reasonably and rightly. really need urappreciate advices,thx!


Matthew:Withonly a week left I don't think you should be trying to introduce toomany new things into your schedule.Remember to separate your practise times with rests in between. It'smuch better to prepare to practise 2 to 4 hours everyday than have 3days where you practise 8 hours.During the breaks between your normal practise I suggest listening toenglish music, audio tapes or watching english television. If youchoose to 4 to 5 hours practise each day I suggest starting with thewritten subjects first. After you feel you have spent enough time onthis area you should move onto the oral section.I feel finishing with the oral section is much more relaxing and youcan at least enjoy the practise. By doing the written practise firstyou will be able to find words or sentence structures to use duringyour oral practise.Best of luck on your exam! :)
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网友Ryan :Hello. I will have my ielts text next week. My oral is weak. Ineed your advices. Really nice of you

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Matthew:Helloryan.Improving your oral can be very frustrating at times when practising byyour self as you are unable to see your progress.Many students are not used to speaking english because they don't getto use it very often. If you're unable to find someone to practisespeaking with I suggest reading from your text books aloud.If you have a friend or partner who is also studying english you cantry reading to each other and than asking which words your partner wasunable to understand and why.Good luck for your test next week, remember to speak at a nice steadypace so the teacher is able to understand you clearly.中国雅思网7tO/`ijp*K

网友董咪咪 :Hello,Mattew,I had ielts a few months ago and my speaking scoreis 5.5,would you like to give me some clues where my flaws may be inthe speaking tests,and which aspects I can endeavor to improve myspeaking score in the next ielts test in next month?
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Matthew:someof the main differences between ielts 5.5 and 6 are as follows.* the ability to speak at length without pausing or using a slow speech* having a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length and makemeaning clear in spite of some errors or inappropriate words.A good way to work of these two problems is to practise your oralchinese consistently a few hours each day. Everyday you should notedown where you ran into problems and which words you find the hardestto pronounce.Once you've found what your most common errors are I suggest choosing atopic which you are quite fluent with in chinese but are not sofamiliar with in english. You should than try to construct a shortessay on this topic in english, introducing words from your chinesevocabulary using a dictionary.Once you finish this essay you should than practise reading it aloud toa partner and than discuss the topic with him.
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网友 :no offense, but lots of foreign english teachers are not trained inenglish teaching. people just look at their foreign face and ask themto teach english. do you have ESL or TESOL or CTEFL certificate(s)? ifnot, how are you to ensure the quality of your teaching?

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Matthew:Ican completely relate to your point of view. Many teachers that workfor other english schools are teaching english due to the fact thatthey look the part rather than having the actual required skills.Effectively the same can be said for many people teaching foreignersenglish inside china.Speaking a language and understand the methods behind learning iteffectively are completely different things. The biggest difference isthe fact that native speakers of a language did not study the languagethey acquired it there is a big difference.One of the biggest difference I believe beijing ielts(北京雅思) offers isthe fact that the staff are fully qualified and certified in theirrespected fields. Beijing ielts is originally from hongkong and havebeen the number one ranking school within their field for the past 10years.I personally can relate to oral aspects of learning english becauseI've suffered through the same issues when learning chinese and korean.Originally when I entered china last year my chinese was literally 你好我从哪来的 我叫什么名字 只能说非常简单的话。But as time progressed I eventually started toestablish methods of practising the oral aspects of the languages I waslearning and english can be approached in the same way.If you'd like to discuss with us in more depth about our certification,company history and teaching methods I welcome you to come into one ofour beijing campus's and speaking with our teaching staff.All of our teaching staff are fluent in chinese and English asobviously if you wish to make proper progress learning completely in anunfamiliar language will eventually leave you with gaps and no properunderstanding behind the dynamics of the language.
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网友 :Are you in BJ ielts school every day? Can I go to there talk withyou?:)

,r bX^3}0C-c'/J0 Matthew:I am located in the 五道口 school 4 to 5 days a week. I travel to our soho campus at least once a week.All students are welcome to come into our campus and practise their oral or ask any questions.Our wu dao kou campus is located at 北京市 海淀区 五道口 华联商厦 B坐 8层, I'm here from 9am till 6pm.
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