David Larbalestier:Hi everyone. How are you today?
51雅思网 :两位老师好,首先请介绍一下取得雅思高分需要具备哪些条件?谢谢!
David Larbalestier:Theonly way to achieve a high score in anything, whether the gaokao, orIELTS is to study very hard, and make sure you are learning morelanguage. First you have to understand what the exam and the examineris looking for. You need to be familioar with the difeferentrequirements of the 4 different tests. Do lots of practice tests forListenig and Reading, and then of course lots of practice for Speakingand Writing. Join a class and get help and advice from a teacher. Thengo hoem and practice hard.Insearch, the school in Syudney Australia I work for has an excellentprogram on the web which you can use for free - it is called "StudyEnglish: IELTS Preparation", as well as a second program called"Passport to English: the IELTS Speaking Test". Both of these programsare challenging and interesting and are available at:www.australianetwork.com/learnenglish
网友 :老师,我该怎么准备阅读呢?我的词汇量很差。理解能力也不好。文章基本都看不懂。我该提高自己的阅读能力呢?
David Larbalestier:Reading:it is clear that if you are having problems understanding readingpassages then this means that you still do not have enough English. So,of course what you have to do is speand a lot of time reading easiermaterial first on a wide range of topics, develop your vocabulary andunderstanding of English grammar and usage. This will take a long time- maybe for you at least a year. There is no fats way to learn alanguage. It takes a long time - at least 400 hours of good learning tomove from say Band 4 to Band 5, and then Band 5 to Band 6. Take youtime and study hard. It is too early for you to attend an IELTS class -you need to develop your basic English first. Good luck!
网友 :去考试时,需要和考官热情打招呼吗?说话要注意点什么呢?
林晓东:和考官打招呼就是一般的英语招呼,如hello,nice to meet you! how r u doing? how r u going? 都没问题,平时多练,练好语音语调,到时侯使用就是了。
David Larbalestier:No. You need tobe simply polite and pleasant. The examiner will be cool andprofessional, and will not say anything except what he or she has tosay - which is in the script the examiner uses for the interview. Theexaminer will not say "Good!" - nothing more than he or she has to say.The candidate needs only be polite and relaxed. Usually the candidaterelaxes after a minute. The first Part is designed to help thecandidate relax. The questions are short and easy, on familiar topics.It is designed for a candidata with an IELTS Band 4 level - so it isfairly easy. Don't woprry too much. The time goes quickly. Good luck!Pay attention to the questions. The questions usually progress quitelogically and are usually easy to follow. Go with the flow of theinterview and enjoy the conversation. The topics are usuallyinteresting. Use your time in Part 2 to make some notes to help youanswer the question. Good luck!
林晓东:4分的标准就是你在part 1 的问答里面都没有应对好,一些日常生活的问题,如hometown, school,sports,都是常考,启德雅思老师会给学生做归类并传授回答的最佳方式,没机会上启德课的考生也可以先从我们的网上www.eic.org.cn下载相关的口语资料来操练,练好part 1,才有可能过5分!
David Larbalestier:Hi.Well, I think this means that you are Band 4! I think it is going to bedifficult to reach Band 5 in one month, because it takes at least 400hours of good solid study to progress fom Band 4 to band 5. Watch ournew program at www.australianetwork,com/passportThis program will help you understand the Speaking test. You need toimprove your fluency. If you are stopping and starting all the timethis means that you do not have enough language, enough confidence, orenough fluency. You can only improve your fluency by talking to otherpeople. Your teacher can help you fix your mistakes, but no teacher canimprove your fluency. This is sometrhing you are going to have to workon by yourself. You need to find other students who need to improvetheir speaking skills. Work together. First though you need morelanguage - more grammar, more vocabulary. Work hard! Keep trying! Donot give up!
网友 :《剑桥7》真出了,没看到有卖啊?
林晓东:《剑桥雅思7》会在6月18日正式发售,但前期我们启德EIC已经收到实验稿了,我们的老师也已经在研究该书的past papers,在6,7月份的启德教育展长沙,广州和深圳站上我们的老师会给现场的考生做相关的介绍和解释。
网友 :老师,6提到7需要从哪几方面提高?是不是很难?
David Larbalestier:Toget to Band 7 requires a considerable expansion in your vocabulary andfluency. This means you need to be able to write about, or speak andread about almost anything with a certain degree of confidence. Youneed a cvommand of ynonyms, and an ability to paraphrase, you need tobe able to draw on a range of structures, move easily fromm active topasssive voice; and move from structures such as ""increase quickly" to "a rapid increase" - this means you are able todraw on a range of structures and language choices easily and quickly.Work through all the materials in www.australianetwork.com/studyenglishand www.australianetwork.com/passport. If you finsih all the materialsin "Study English" and are confident in all that language then you canbe confident of reaching IELTS Band 7 soon! Good luck!
林晓东:一般一个band score 的提升需要考生付出400小时的学习,从LRSW四科来入手的,所以考生应先了解自己的弱项,找出原因,再突围。举个例子,听力听不到答案,这个不一定是考生听题的问题,很有可能是画题的关键词没画好所致的。
网友 :雅思口语什么样状态和感觉才可以6+啊!
David Larbalestier:Hi!To get Band 6 you will need to do several things:1. extend your vacabulary so you can talk about a wide range of topics.So start to build up your vocabulary by topic area. Buy a book. Dividethe book into sections obn different topics and start to develop yourvocabulary by topic area. Learn word forms -economy/economics/economical/economise/economically and so on. Mark thestress. Which syllable is stressed.2. Then develop your grammar - learn a range of language functions -giving opinions, making comparisons, giving reasons, explaining,describing people places and thinsg, reporting, predicting futurepossibilities, making suggestions. 3. Next develop your command of verbtenses, so you can answer questions in the past, present and future,musing the correct verb forms. 4. Finally develop your range of sentencetypes - simple, compound and complex sentences. Ifyou do not understandwhat this means then you need to go to class and ask a teacher toexplain and give you lots of examples. You can not get Band 6 unlessyou have a trnage of sentence types - some simple, some compound andcome complex sentences.Go to our free on-line programs and use all the materials there - theyare self-study programs: www.australianetwork.com/studyenglish andwww.australianetwork.com/passportBoth are excellent and ricj in resources. You can study at home andlearn quite a lot of good and useful English.
网友 :你好,听力是我的弱项, 能请教怎样有效提高听力呢?
David Larbalestier:Toimporve your listening skills:1. listen to anythingt in English first. 2. do as manty practice testsas possible in test tinme and under test conditions. The go back andlisten again and find your mistakes. Then go back amd listenover andover, until you are toatlly familiar with that test. Then move on tothe next test. 3. extend your vocabulary as much as possible. Learnvocabulary for different topic areas, so you can listen clearly.文章来源于网络,如有侵权请联系我们,将会在第一时间处理
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