辜 驰:Hello all my dear friends, this is GUCHI from Xiamen New Channel school .Terrific to be with you guys. 厦门这两天天气反常,很多人感冒,大家准备考试前注意身体, Wow, so many questions, every impressive, OK, Started.
辜 驰:雅思写作的评分是一种常规的 分项评分法analytical Scoring,也就是说,你的分数是因为没有达到写作要求或者因为犯错误被一点点扣下来的.两次都考了5分不到,那么可以估计是因为语法和句型基本功出现了不小的问题(被扣分的地方很多),如果确信考试时字数达到的话,那么你应该花点时间补习一下子基础语法,一个月提高到6-7分,难度很大,除非考前预测的范文,你背诵了,默写在考卷上,否则,还是应该多花点时间,一个月或许首先到5.5分
辜 驰:首先恭喜你阅读考了高分,我上课教的技巧5-5-3掌握得很好,就应该考8分的。和上面那位同学一样,你的写作提高到6.5分的话,应该着手准备一些常见的句型和模板结构,阅读高分的话,那你的词汇量应该不小,特别提醒,不要随便使用一些阅读中的大词big word,还有TASK1应该把几种常见图形再巩固一遍,特别是多条曲线的组合的对比和趋势做一些训练,那么TASK1有7+的话,你应该可以达到6.5的,阅读能考8分,说明你实力达到了,下一次注意训练一下matching题,争取考满分。4月阅读不会比2月难.....
辜 驰:语法结构很重要,但不是高分的充分条件,雅思写作评分的细节包含多方面,具体可以去我的博客看看雅思中国网的一个作文评分报告http://club.cnielts.com/viewnews-98815.html,着重里面的AIE和CQ部分,每一段argument中心句,details(具体的举例)是不是都写了,还有就是,偶然的审题错误也会造成失分,最好是请专业老师帮你看看结构和观点部分,此外,请注意linkingwords!通篇句型中复杂句(复合句)的比重有没有达到50%以上......
网友 :Can you tell me whether Xiamen New Channel can assure us that youwill provide the same high quality teaching service as they do atBeijing New Channel School? If so, how?
辜 驰:OK,goodquestion;Initially, the teachers (Xiamen) are selected and trained inaccordance with the same try-out and assessment method as we did inBeijing Newchannel. They are normally with the international educationbackground and experienced in coaching IELTS (and attending the test inperson). what's more, though some of them are not as eloquent in a bigsized-class as the Beijing counterparts, they are more meticulous andattentive. Last, Xiamen new channel's exam service package, in somerespects, are even better than many of the school located in northernChina;it is the business environment in the Southern City (Xiamen is aspecial economic Zone) that makes Xiamen Newchannel excel in providingthe first-class Service.
网友 :老师,我想问,向我们这种语法不太好的同学,如果不用模板会不会成绩更差,还没有使用模板写得好。
辜 驰:对于模板的使用,要具体分析,模板的使用比例是关键,首先使用模板的比例不要超过20%,模板不要整句整句的写在考卷上,应该利用模板的提示作用写出属于自己的很好的句型,但句子的主体是你自己写的,针对模板写作,我有一个研究方法就是AIE组合作文法,你可以查看文章http://club.cnielts.com/viewnews-90591.html。特别提醒的是,要根据自己的实际情况选择合适的模板进行模仿,如果你现在雅思写作是5分,就选择6-7分难度的范文句型模板,不要去模仿8,9分的甚至economists杂志的文章......循序渐进,考官很容易看出和你整体实力不符的句型模板的...要注意
辜 驰:成绩不稳定的话,应该带上你的作文请老师帮你诊断一下,才能提出具体的意见。厦门雅思中国网有专门雅思写作的教师,可以选择写作班级,时间不固定的话也可以选择定制性的课程。
辜 驰:我来讲一下TASK1,TASK1通常的图形就只有那么几种,你要确信 PIE,TABLE,Curve还有column charts这些基本图型都有成型的句型和思路,然后就是组合图形的训练,比如两条曲线的写法就不应是独立的两条线写完,各一自然段,简单拼装,而是要平行交错的写出两条线的差异和类似点,使用大量的比较(incomparison)句型和连词。要抓住图形的特点预测剑桥雅思考察的要点在哪里,最大值,拐点,还有就是文章的布局要合理。最近的地图和流程图,其实无须恐惧,双地图(3月14日)就是考察比较能力和变化,还是那些个 in contast,while,however.......;流程图就是考位置,步骤,功能,意义....你要把句型记清楚(使用被动语态)..比如,firstly,..AAA..,located in....., was applied to ...., which can helpus achieve the goal of ........ 什么步骤不都是这样,基本功达到了,考题只是形式不同,换一副马甲而已........
网友Maggie :Hi, Mr Gu, I am Maggie (student), and is ready to take thetest in April, the teachers assured me I probably got 7 on Listeningand speaking, I really feel disoriented to improve my writing skillsand when I was writing a essay, it took so much time, say, 2 hours Ionly Babbling 200 words. Wow, How to defeat the time constraints inIELTS test!
辜 驰:Inthe IELTS test, time is everyone’s enemy. Most Candidates who havetaken the test and did not perform as well as they had hoped oftencomplain that they were unable to give all the answers ,say, in theListening Test because the tape was too fast. And they write littlewhen the bell ran calling for “stop writing!”The IELTS test measures many aspects of your language ability includingthe speed at which you listen, read, write, speak, and think inEnglish. Speed is not something which changes a great deal from day today, but does change considerably over a longer period of time, adirect result of practice in working with the language.In one word, your personal speed is pretty well fixed probably tillApril 25th. And the problem of time constraint remains….. Nonetheless,there are certainly many things you can do, before the day of the test,to help maximise the use of your time and give yourself the best chanceof success. I will give you one suggestion: try to prepare someformula-sentences (40% structured thesis statements) and write 60% ofyour own sentences spontaneously in test day. This 60% is supposed tobe your own details (your individual evidence to support your thesis)and be grammatically perfect.速度慢就借用一些事先准备好的,一篇文章40%的通用观点和一些常用过渡句考前背诵一些,考场上集中写60%自己的细节举例支持部分;这样应该大幅提高速度。