mark:Goodmorning. This is Mark from New Channel school. I teach speaking andwriting and have been involved with ielts for eight years, in China andin other countries. I'm looking forward to answering your questions andhope to meet you at New Channel school in the near future.
网友 :Dear Mark . I`m so happy to see you here and how`s going ? I needyour advise for my IELTS test.I had my test last year on 13/12 and alsoI`ve got 6 point . That is 5.5 5.5 6 6 . what i need is every subject7, I can have 3 months to study ietls test and what you think for threemonths to make 7 and please give me some suggestions how to improveWriting and Speaking to 7 .thank you for your hlep .
mark:Forboth, it's simply a case of practising as much as you can. You probablyneed to put in plenty of work on your vocabulary and grammar. Improvingfrom 5.5 to 7 in 3 months is possible, but very difficult, so you needto use a good book (e.g. mine!) to help you. Make sure you are able todiscuss all the topics that might appear in the test.
网友simon :How is "fluency" being measured?
mark:Fluencyis basically measured by the amount of pausing, repetition andself-correction a candidate does while speaking. Speed is also afactor, but as long as it is at a reasonable rate there's no problem.
网友Li :In the interview part, do I need try to change my sentence'sstructure all the time to show my English ability? What would happeneif I only use simple sentences?
mark:Ifyou only use simple sentences, you will get a low score for grammar.The official ielts website, ielts.org, clearly states this. It is yourjob to show the examiner what you know, so take every opportunity todemonstrate that you can use a variety of structures.
网友breeze :Someone said that to frequently use redundant language is asound strategy in IELTS test because it is a way that English nativedaily use. But I rarely found that at IELTS references.What's youropinion?
mark:Acertain amount of redundant language is acceptable, particularly inspoken English. My personal experience is that students use it toomuch, i.e. to make up a large part of speech rather than just a minorpart.
网友 :What is the most serious problem for us in stage three of thespeaking test?
mark:Iwould say the biggest problem is not having enough vocabulary todevelop a coherent answer. Make sure that you have done plenty ofbackground reading and tested your ideas in real-life conversations.
网友 :Is ideas are being tested? Somebody says that the examiner is onlytesting the ability to express ideas in spoken English not the answeritself.
Thanks for your explaining!
mark:Thisis a very important issue for both candidates and examiners tounderstand. 'Ideas' and 'the ability to express ideas' are twodifferent things. 'The ability to express ideas' is definitely beingtested in the speaking and writing modules. 'Ideas' are being testedindirectly because if you have no ideas, you cannot answer thequestions, particularly in part 3 of the speaking module and task 2 ofthe writing module. Ideas must be coherent. My personal experience isthat most candidates say they have no ideas when in fact they simplylack vocabulary.
网友 :I am an IELTS speaking teacher at a training school.And I'd like totake this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you justbecause I've benefited quite a lot for your classic speakingtextbook.Please let us know if you have any new publications. Cheers!
mark:Thenewest books are the 101 ielts series of books. I'm also lookingforward to producing new editions of the 'classic' speaking and writingtextbooks.
网友 :I've just bought your 101 ielts books101.Can you tell me how to useeach of them effectively?
mark:The'slang' book is mainly to help candidates who want 7 for speaking. Thephrasal verbs book is necessary for anyone taking ielts, since phrasalverbs are an important part of the English language. The 'sayings' bookis designed for candidates who need to get away from the overusedphrases in other ielts textbooks, i.e. band 6 and above. Two more booksin the series will be out soon. You can use them very simply to learnsome useful words and phrases that you then use in conversation. Learnand use, learn and use. 'Use it or lose it' as a friend of mine says!
网友tracy fang :hi mark, i stay in Los Angeles currently. I only got 5.5in speaking test recently, but i got 6 two years ago when i was inSingapore. I feel very discouraged. How can i reach 7? Is thatpossible? I will be really appreciated for your suggestion. Thank you!
mark:You are in an English-speaking country, so the best thing is to get out and use your English. It's that simple!
网友 :Hi.mark..I have 2 books that be written by you..
I passed IELTS exam..but my spaeking have just got 5 score..
I am going to go abroad to study in May.
How can I prepared in speaking and listening recently?
mark:Youneed to go out and make conversation with people - in English. Thiswill improve your speaking and listening. Remember to converse about awide variety of topics, not just the same ones again and again.
网友erin :Is there much different between 5.5 and 6? I mean maybe oneexamer give you 5.5 while another would give you 6. If I get a 5.5 andapply re-mark, is there a good chance that they would change my band.
mark:Thedifference between a 5.5 and a 6 is small, so there's some chance thata remark could change your score. Remarks are relatively expensive andcan take a while, so you need to bear those facts in mind when makingyour decision.
网友 :Could you give some advice for ielts spesking?Thanks
mark:Buymy ielts speaking book - it has plenty of advice on how to prepare forthe test and what to do to achieve your desired score.
网友 :last time i got 5.5 in speaking test and i'll take the 21st Marchtest, just wondering is there any effective way can help me get 6?
mark:Thedifference is relatively small, so you probably just need a little morepractice. Make sure you have enough vocabulary to discuss all thetopics and check that you use a wide variety of structures in yourspeech.
网友 :Hi ,I am Janet. on February 21st ,I got 5.5 in IELTS SPEAKING,whilemy other subjects are quite good, listening 7,reading 8,writing 6.5 .Ihave taken IELTS three times , in the first two speaking sections , Italked a bit fast,
thenin the third one, I spoke slowly, but I got the same score. I don'tknow what is wrong ,and could you tell me how I PREPARE the exam in twomonths?
mark:Speakingspeed is not the only criteria for deciding a candidate's score.Changing only one aspect of your English will change your score by amaximum of 0.5 of a band score - and usually, as you discovered, not atall. Preparation is about practice. You prepare for a basketball gameby playing basketball. You use various skills, not just one. Youprepare for a maths test by solving maths problems. You solve differenttypes of problems, not just one. Same with English.
网友 :我上次考试口语5.5,其他均为6.5,我想用一个月的时间准备下次考试,请问如果每天练习,口语提高到6.5有可能吗?
mark:Ifyou only have one month, it will be very difficult. It usually takesthree months in an English-speaking country (China is not anEnglish-speaking country!) to improve by one band. You need to use yourEnglish every day, for sure, and probably for most of your wakinghours. Surround yourself with English speakers.
网友 :你好,我想知道口语5.5和6分的区别在哪? 我第一次作文考了5分.用的模版.我还有一个月的时间 请问我应该准备些什么呢?
mark:AsI have mentioned, the difference between 5.5 and 6 is small. Theproblem is that, without meeting you, I can't say where you need toimprove. (At New Channel we offer mock interviews, by the way.)Generally, focus on vocabulary and grammar, as mentioned above.As for the writing, I'm going to assume that you want to go from 5 to6. This means improving your range of grammar and vocabulary inparticular. Yes, the same as with the speaking module! Make sure thatyou answer task 2 directly, completely and with the use of goodexamples to support your arguments. Avoid the use of overused phrasesoften found in ielts books.
Thank you Mark,Thank you everyone!See you next time!
mark:See you.
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