


网友 :马老师好,我考过两次雅思了,口语都是5.5,不知道应该怎样备考口语,准备过一些topics,但是临场口点慌了。怎么能提高到6呢?Hi gorgeous guess the best way is to practise your general speaking every day ,better in the morning ,for at least 30mins ,reading sth aloud ,i mean! and of course, sign up for a good IELTS speaking class for strategies ,after all ,IELTS speaking is not just general speaking .Besides ,talk to professional British English teachers can help a great deal ,say in Beijing New Channel school,we have 2 excellent IELTS teachers from UK ,Mark amd David , especially 14 days before IELTS test.work like a magic !!!特有效哦...


马朝霞:basicall in 2008 ,most of the speaking topics were the same ,not big change ! But in part 1 ,some topics like swimming ,news ,visitors ,bikes,arts ,house ,transport ect were carrying the weight .At the same time ,majors/work ,hometown ,photo ,music ,newspaper/reading ,food and cooking ,clothes ,hobbies were as popular as usual . In part 2 ,since Sep.2008 ,People topics ,like friends ,a person who is good at cooking ,a famous person that you want to become ,a teenager ,a family(but not your own )were kind of frequently asked ; Places topics ,like a place with water , a restaurant ,a place you would like to vist /a journey you would like to take /a city you have visited ,ect were kind of popular too .For Event topics ,like party ,sports event /physical exercises ,a happy event ,an educational visit ,family event ,an important stage in life , a recent change were carrying the weight ,and for Things topics ,sth you lost ,gift ,a book you read ,a TV program ,newspaper/magazine were hot topics .Got to say, all of those are expected to be seen in 2009 too ,so an advice for 2009 candidates ,not just look forward ,but also look back on 2008 ,basically at least 85%of speaking topics would be the same ! Good luck!!!


马朝霞:haha... good follow up!!! Well I figure in 2009 ,especially in Jan10,the very first IELTS test in a new year ,in speaking part ,we may expect to see a few not so familiar topics ,but 85%of topics should be the same like 2008!!!not specifically new ,can be some topics that disappeared for certain time and "come back to life”again ,say dancing ,drawing ,age ,happiness , grandparents ,games ,numbers noise ,birds ,rain ,crime etc but basically ,in a new year ,after Jan 10 change ,another big change may be expected in April 2009 .,for further information ,please pay attention to :www.newchannel.org IELTS section good luck!!!
first make sure you do understand the cuecard content and then try to relate this topic with other topics that you already prepare or familiar with .A case in point :if you have prepared a place you would like to visit ,say you want to visit Paris ,and in the test you get a cuecard topic about a second language you want to learn ,then use the replacement principle (互换原则--我们北京雅思中国网口语课上必讲的好技巧哦,哈哈。。。)you can say you actually want to learn French because you want to visit Paris and then carry on with your story that you already prepare or familiar with.我有一6.5保分班学生正好碰上了这事,她直接就讲想学法语,哈哈。。。因为她准备过一个想去的城市的题目,我们雅思口语课上练的就是去巴黎。by the way ,她口语考了7.5 ,特兴奋!!!

网友 :马老师您好,2月7日的考试,口语第二部分会有新题出现吗?比率大概是多少?倒时候网上会有预测吗?该怎样准备?

马朝霞:not very possible in Feb.7. very likely at the end of March or the very beginning of April.Should be about 3 more new topics .For details ,please check with www.newchannel.org (北京雅思中国网官方网站)after Jan 26th.
hi gorgeous your score would not be hugely affected by Part 3 .Part 1and 2 are extremely important .Plus right now ,lots of candidates actually get only 2-3 questions in P3 .I guess the best way is to learn to predict questions from a foreigners ' point of view or get some great IELTS speaking books ,say 《雅思口语高分突破》第五代 《就是要你过雅思口语6.5》《雅思口语真题题源》超好用的雅思口语书,第三部分所有问题都有了,雅思界称之为“雅思口语百科全书”good luck!!!

网友ET :1.10号就考了,口语有些没底啊~上回考的4.5这回想提高1分,会出新题目吗?还有老师关于书和花园的问题怎么回答啊?还有上回被问到晚上做什么?基本蒙掉~没明白啥意思~我说学习和家人看电视,考官却又问了一边特殊的晚上会做什么……他是什么意思呢?还有问我家有没有花园,我说只有买得起别墅的人家里才有花园呢~这么回答是不是有什么忌讳了呢?谢谢老师~

马朝霞:haha ...gorgeous don't worry too much !雅思口语高分的急救办法:细节+解释+比较+讲故事+口语连接词。一定要紧记:考官喜欢细节。比如,被问到晚上做什么?先答学习,然后解释为啥会晚上学习?为什么不在学校学习?是每天都学习吗?还是偶尔学习?然后讲几点开始会和家人看电视?是为了陪家人吗?因为大家平时忙没时间见面吗?看什么电视节目?其他人也想你一样嘛?Do try this !Really good .I try in our class ,my dear students like it a lot and say :老师,雅思口语原来是这么一回事!!!哈哈。。。加油啊 豁出去了。。。

网友 :Hey Rita This is lin. Just finished New Channel School 7 class, any tips for me on 10th coming exam?

马朝霞:Hi Lin I enjoyed teaching you so much !It was such a hilarious class ! really miss you guys!!!Would you please email me for the updated topics ?but do pay attention to visitors ,bikes ,educational visit ,law ,a recent change ,a place with water ,friends ,famous people ,a cook .good luck ! Talk to you in details through email!

网友 :马朝霞老师 您好 我在《大学生》杂志看过您的文章 特佩服您! 请教一下雅思口语第二部分那么多题咋准备?

马朝霞:Hi gorgeous you need to figure out what range of topics we would have in P 2 first ,say ,in People topics ,we have a movie star ,a musician ,a famous person you want to become ,a perosn who is good at cooking , a foreigner ,a teenager ,an old person ,a family a famous Chinese female ,your favourite actor or actress ,a person you want to spend a day with .you may need to get familiar with the topics and use replacement principle (互换原则),to save time ,like a movie star can be a famous person you want to become ,can be a person you want to spend a day with ,can be your favourite actor or actress .and then try to develop ideas and organize them into a great story .In My book 《就是要你过雅思口语6.5》,I try pretty hard to do this already ,if you feel really worry about it ,you may want to read the book.good luck!

网友 :马老师我同学上过你的雅思口语课 听说基本都是全英教的 她现在连讲话都在模仿您样子 而且真的进步很大 可我很内向 雅思口语中模仿练习很重要吗?

马朝霞:yes it's very important that you try to imitate sb who speaks good English no just the pronunciation ,but also the way he/she talks ,it's an inspiration!Good luck!

网友 :老师好,请问什么细节上的变化可以把5分提升到5.5分?我在面试之类的容易紧张,考官会不会因此放慢语速或者提些放松些的题目?

马朝霞:yes details can definitely help to get a better score. Like when you talk about shopping ,you can tell the examiner when /where do you go shopping? Who will go shopping with you? Why do you like going shopping? and use connectives ,like you know ,i mean ,i guess what i am trying to say is ,anyway ,well ,of course ,see,say etc to make your answer more natural .p.s try to be confident and act natural!good luck!

网友 :马朝霞老师好 请问雅思口语考试开场白怎么说好?

马朝霞:hi gorgeous you can say :Good morning /afternoon !Madam/sir! It's a gorgeous day today isn't it? (天气好的时候才说)This is.....Nice to meet you!如果考雅思口语当天,天下雨了,可以说:Good morning /afternoon !Madam/sir! it's pretty cool today,isn't it ?I guess because of the rain ,anyway ,I love the rain.(切记 ,保持笑容)this is ...nice to meet you! good luck!

网友 :马朝霞老师您好 我在北大听过您的讲座 很震撼 马上要考雅思了 给点建议吧

马朝霞:gorgeous i guess the best way before the speaking test is not to speak Chinese with anyone ,watch English movies ,go to English corner ,prepare all the important speaking topics we mention in class and try to read sth aloud evry morning .Besides ,get a good speaking book and go over the answer for 3 times and close the book ,try to use your own words to say it out!try your very best!Good luck!

网友 :老师您好,我的口语很差,从来没开口讲过英语,发音也很差,如果要考到雅思口语6分,需要怎样复习?要用什么教材为好?怎样做跟读和复数练习?每天大声朗读1个小时,半年时间可以吗?谢谢老师!

马朝霞:你好雅思中国网英澳五星级名校直通车班有一学生,用了一个月的时间把英语练得超流利,我教她雅思口语课时,要她每天看一小时《老友记》,跟说+模仿;每天晨读1小时,大声朗读《21century》,每天运动1小时,运动时也听《老友记》;每天准备《就是要你过雅思口语6.5》这书中5个topics,先看问题,自己回答,然后看书中答案,比较自己的答案,划出书中好的句子,再回答时保证用上。她现在在雅思中国网学校课间时都说英语。今年7月就要去悉尼大学了。Cool,right???So half a year ,you can do it!!!good luck!

网友 :雅思口语考试中听不懂问题怎么办啊?

马朝霞:well gorgeous don't worry too much about it .It happens to all the other candidates as well .so if you don't catch what the examiner says ,you can ask him/her to say it again because you are leagally allowed to ask him twice to repeat or rephrase the question .So just be confident and ask !

haha...so you heard!!!must be from my dear students though.Would you please check with our school website www.newchannel.org the ielts section 雅思口语专栏 after Jan 9th .Be there for you !!!

网友 :请问老师1月 10号真的会换口语题吗?

马朝霞:不叫换题 是更新题库 比如part 1 以前就考18个重点题目 part2 考24个重点题目 我们在雅思中国网的雅思口语6.5分班上都练过了,所以同学们一般都考的挺好 但2009年1月10日后 新一年的口语题库个人估计会换掉15% .保留85% 的旧题 还有大概10道题会变一种问法

网友 :马老师好 我是您7分保分班的学生 在沈阳考雅思了 口语7.5 谢谢您 但我写作得了6,怎么办啊

马朝霞:wow congratulations!!!!wow !7.5 ,great score !so so so proud of you!but for writing ,I guess you do need to have a great writing teacher to help face to face and mark the article you write ,to point out is it the structure ,grammar ,evidence ,vocalburary or logic that not ok?And another way you may get a good writing book try to do imitating -writing !good luck!

网友 :老师,我1月10日考,我现在每天背1个到2个话题,可是前面背过的,隔了一些时间,再试着去描述,发现很不流利,怎么办. 还会有新的题型出现吗?我就怕考试时遇到没准备过的.还有考试时我总是很紧张,就算准备很充分,有时说到一个话题时我只会用那几个词,老师停下来想.hi gorgeous when practising the topics do try to talk to a foreign friend ,if not possible try to get a good speaking book and compare your answer with the answer in the book ,read it carefully and try to underline the good words and expressions ,memorise them and try to put them into your speaking.as for being nervous try to be confident or you can go and get a foreign teacher to practise for a few days before test .will work!good luck!!!

网友 :马老师,您好,我个人底子不好,在考试之前时态啊,语法都很差,低级错误很多,复习了3个月在12月20已经考了第一次雅思5.5分,剑桥系列已经做了几遍了 我3月份会再考 我想知道现阶段应该利用的书是什么,是继续做剑桥系列还是有其他办法 谢谢

马朝霞:还是换一下吧 有本书是现任考官mark写的 叫《剑桥雅思全真题库》被业界成为“ 剑7 ”挺好的

网友 :老师雅思口语考试怎么克服紧张的心理?

practise practise and practise with people of course ,but better with foreigners ,or even go to English corner .NO matter what ,practice makes perfect !besides take the examiner as a friend ,act normal ,be confident ,you know it's only a 11-14 min test!跟雅思拼了!豁出去了!!!哈哈...good luck!!!


马朝霞:HI guys it's been a lovely chat !!!Good luck with the test!And Happy new year!!!---北京雅思中国网学校 马朝霞中国雅思网r:s)t-v!v'l)|%g?{c

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