王汝涛:主持人好,各位朋友好: 很高兴再此与大家在这里相会。现在我来回答同学们的提问。
网友 :王老师, 我在范文里看到这样一个句子:Although participation in extracurricular activities often results in students having less time to do homework, the benefits of these activities outweigh their drawbacks. 而且我自己也喜欢写这样的句子。请问这是很标准的书面语言吗?另一句:Although Vincent Van Gogh influenced countless artists after his death, during his lifetime, he failed to achieve fame for the art he created or profited from sales of his work. 这个句子有错误,不知道错在哪里?
王汝涛:Although participation in extracurricular activities often results in students having less time to do homework, the benefits of these activities outweigh their drawbacks. 这个句子从语法角度看没有什么错误,但从修辞角度说不够简练,可改写为:Students who participate in extracurricular activities often have less time for homework, but the benefits of these activities outweigh their drawbacks. 美国人一般更喜欢简练的英语。但按照雅思写作标准,你引用的句子也算得上很好的句子。 Although Vincent Van Gogh influenced countless artists after his death, during his lifetime, he failed to achieve fame for the art he created or profited from sales of his work. 句中错误在于or profited造成逻辑不清楚。这里从逻辑上profited 应该和achieve 对称才是。因此应改为 or to profit,即Although Vincent Van Gogh influenced countless artists after his death, during his lifetime, he failed to achieve fame for the art he created or to profit from sales of his work.
网友 :老师好,11月8号就要考试了老师可以提点建议吗?
题目是:很多人认为政府应该多花钱投入建设“public facilities”而不搞“art”,do you agree or disagree?
With the swift development of economy and technology,a demand for higher living standard has crept into people's minds.Some people have nurtured the awareness that instead of wasting money on art,the goverment should inject more fiscal funds into perfecting the fundamental facilities.In my opinon,both art and public facilities construction should be given the same priority.
On one hand,it is undoubtful that the public facilities play an essential role in our society.In some developing countries,the situation of talents deficiency sprawls over the whole society due to lack of educational resources,the unemployment reat is steadily increasing because the pace of population growth far outstrips that of construction of public facilities ,andwithout accessible medical care,the country also suffers a high motality rate of infant and of the old.As a result, it is reasonable to imply that only by upgrading the public facilities can the further development of economy be boosted and can people enjoy more convenient and efficient lives.
On another hand,art is indispensible for our spirital need.First,an art may help people relieve their pressure caused by the inscreasingly high competition in their jobs or study.Lots of surveys have revealed the fact that certain proportion of people suicided due to heavy social stress.Second,through appreciation art ,eople can cultivate optimistics attitudes and graceful characteristics ,which have a positive effects both on people's physical and mental health.Last but not least,like book,art can file the human histiory,record the traditional culture and mirror people;s high intelligence as well as dreams.So it is the art that witnesses the development and achievement of human civilization in history.
In conclu
王汝涛:首先,先忽略你可能因疏忽所犯的错误,如原文没有分出段落,结论没有写完等。假设你在实考中不会出现类似错误。在此前提下,我作如下讲评: 原文总体上逻辑是清楚的,直接回答了题中的问题,并得出了自己的结论。结构比较清晰,而且显示了考生在一定程度上有较好的遣词造句能力。然而,一些表达显得笨拙,逻辑混乱(例如:the unemployment reat(sic. rate) is steadily increasing because the pace of population growth far outstrips that of construction of public facilities. 又:motality rate of infant and of the old, optimistics attitudes等)。有些表达不符合英语惯用: 如:On another hand, 应为 On the other hand.; through appreciation art应为 by appreciating the art。 有的地方表达的意思不够明确(like book,art can file the human histiory,record the traditional culture and mirror people;s high intelligence as well as dreams该句不仅有语法错误,而且显得有些空洞,需要进一步说明延伸),文中出现了一些语法错误以及拼写和用词错误。因此你会在这几个方面失分。因此,根据雅思现行评分标准,我认为该文总分应为6分。但其实这篇作文比6分高一些,接近6.5分。稍加努力即可得6.5。即少些语言错误,内容在充实一些。
网友 :雅思阅读要拿5分的话要对多少个左右?我之前做剑桥5好的时候做对23题,差的时候却只对17,18题.刚做了剑桥6第一套阅读就对了24题.现在十分着急.不知道是因为方法掌握得不当还是紧张的原因.请王老师指点!
网友嘉嘉 :王老师您好!我在雅思中国网曾经上过您的课,觉得您是一位认真负责又亲切的老师,我特别喜欢您!我马上25号就要考了,听说11号的阅读非常的难,25号是不是也会很难呢?最近考试哪些类型的题目比较热门呢?麻烦老师指点一下马上到来的考试!!谢谢!
王汝涛:谢谢你对我的信任, 这是我应该做的。我经常对学生们讲: 雅思老师的责任就是传雅思之道,解雅思之惑。我在首次开课的时候,总是告诉同学们我愿意回答同学们在学习中遇到到的任何英语问题,不论是课内的还是课外的。目的就上希望同学们学习期间能充分利用老师现有资源,取得最大的收益。这也是我个人的一个教学风格。同学们英语提高了,我也感到高兴和自豪。 你问25日的考题是否很难,这个我也不得而知,因为考题是保密的,不对外公布。我向来不赞同所谓的预测,其实很大程度上,那是一种忽悠。现在的考题的确在近年来有些变化,题型的侧重点和以往有些不同。比如配对题的比例加大。我想这主要是因为配对题需要读懂文章,能考出学生的真实阅读理解水平,这正式雅思考试的目的所在。所以我力主同学们要从提高解题效率和准确度上下功夫。你应该通过多练达到全面提高。祝你考出考成绩。
网友 :老师好,我还有两周就要考了,我要从6提高到6.5,请问该怎样利用这两周的时间复习呢?
网友 :老师您好:我考过雅思,但是并不理性,因为到考试的时候我就很难专心做题!半小时过去了,我都不知道自己做了些什么!苦恼!!!请问我要怎样调整心态!!
网友 :口语其实我并不差,但是总是找不到话题,3分钟我1分钟不到就没词了,怎样展开话题,或是怎样在短时间内有效的进行brianstorm?
王汝涛:关于你的口语问题,我想,还是本着有话就说,添加细节的原则。比如,考官问你: Where do you live? 你回答: I live at 180 Zhichulu, Haidian District. 这样的回答虽然不算错,显然过去简单。我想应该这样回答会更好: I live at Zhichunlu, Haidian District. My flat is in the vicinity of Beijing New Channel School. And there is a small post office beside my flat. 口语不像写作,有时可以重复。也不需要多么严谨,主要是考交流能力。当然用词和发音要过硬,这是关键。尽量不要用书面语,也不要用俚语。要考出7分以上的成绩,发音要是不过硬,几乎是不可能的。
网友 :你好。我是福州的。在福州雅思中国网老师水平不能与北京比,水平一般。我阅读考两次都是六分,写作5分。郁闷啊 请问王老师怎么提高?特别是写作揪心啊。
王汝涛:这位同学,我想福州的雅思中国网学校也有很不错的老师啊。不管怎样,我要感谢你对北京老师的信任。其实,各地也有很优秀的老师。你的考试成绩,我看了之后也和你一样郁闷。我感觉只要你肯下功夫,完全有可能把成绩提高一些的。遗憾的是你在千里之外啊,我爱莫能助。 如果有可能的话,你可以来北京到雅思中国网找我,我给你辅导,肯定让你有所提高。或者,你也可以定期查看我在51网主持的“雅思每周一答”栏目,对你会有所帮助。问答涉及阅读和写作的内容很多,也是我雅思教学的缩影。
网友 :老师,您好!我的阅读在平时练习时一般能对30个左右,但是努力了很久都突破不了这水平,不知道该怎么办?还有,我的阅读速度是能刚刚能做完题,不知道该怎样才能加快阅读速度?
王汝涛:从你的准确率和阅读速度看,你的基础已经很好了。属于6.5-7的水平了。你应该在准确度方面下功夫。对做错的题要知道错在哪里,要善于总结和归纳。建议你做一下“IELTS Practice Tests Plus”(英国出版)一书的练习,对你可能有新的启发。网上也许能够搜索到该书的电子版。
网友 :老师,阅读怎么样准备词汇呢?谢谢!
王汝涛:好吧,今天的答疑到此为止。同学们若有问题,也可发到51网“雅思每周一答”栏目的邮箱 wangrutao2006@yahoo.com 。下次访谈再会。
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