新航道马朝霞:Never lose your passion!

51:各位51网友大家下午好,很高兴今天我们请到了北京雅思中国网学校雅思学院院长、雅思口语主讲马朝霞老师,今天马老师讲和大家讲一下雅思口语技巧:“Never lose your passion”!欢迎大家踊跃提问,首先请马老师和大家打个招呼吧!



网友vincent :RITA~~~~我天津的 你记得哦~~~你从内蒙回来了啊 我下周考试了。。。11号考试的part3每个人都问了很多问题 是不是考试重点变成第三部分了啊

马朝霞:hi gorgeous part 3 is as important as before ,according to our IELTS examiner friends in Beijing New Channel School ,it's just that the examiners find out all these months ,Chinese candidates tend to memorize fixed answers from the masterial books ,and they can not judge fairly for the speaking score ,so in part 3,they can ask more casual questions to dig out our candidates real speaking ability in English.

网友 :怎样有效得提高pronunciation?谢谢

马朝霞:this is a very good question .I believe the best way is to imitate native speakers.Say you can watch sitcom Friends ,just one episode ,i mean,for 6 times and try to imitate the way they talk ,the lips movement ,the tone and the word ,of course ,but more importantly,you have to be confident to speak it aloud ,just the way people talk in the sitcom .P.S read sth aloud every morning also helps!Good luck!!!

网友 :马老师,最近怎么没有课了,我的同学上了雅思中国网的课,但是没有牟老师,没有任老师,也没有飘哥,据闻说听力老师也改人了,你们六点五的老师变了吗?我们想听你们的课.

马朝霞:hi gorgeous you must be one of my dear students .Yeah i am kind of busy lecturing in many cities .But the good news is i will be picking up my IELTS teaching again and 牟志龙老师,任晓冬老师,飘哥(刘创),杜小鹏老师 will be in the same team again .haha ...New Channel rocks !P.s we also have the wonderful李鑫 ,颜炜 ,王毅,吴慧冬,王汝涛,蒲学森,马琳琳 贾荣荣 崔雅琳 。。。definitely rock!!!

网友 :Rita 听说您的口语预测很厉害,可以帮忙预测一些下个月的考题吗?

马朝霞:hi gorgeous great information.I am pretty good at that because I can get the topics from Sydney ,Melbourne,London and all the cities in China .and our teachers in New Channel school go for ielts test every single months ,so our team can always get the the first hand speaking topics .For the 42 ielts speaking topics (2008.10-2009.3),please check with www.newchannel.org ,check the speaking section ,i mean!!!Good luck!

网友 :马老师 听说雅思口语的开唱白特重要,是真的吗???

马朝霞:yeah definitely iam not saying you should just perform well at the beginning ,all i am saying is ,a great start can break the ice between you and the examiner ,and of course ,it will help you build up your confidence for the afterwards test sections .Say you can start by saying :1.Good morning/afternooon ,sir/madam!2.(talk about weather)It's a nice day today ,isn't it?3.This is Rita (say your English name ,not Chinese because he will ask you that later )4.Can I take a seat please? haha ...try this in front of a mirror for times ,watch out your body language ,imagine you are an English speaker ,miracles might happen!!!Good luck!!!

网友 :老师您好!一个人的激情真的可以帮助提高雅思口语分数吗?

马朝霞:i have to say yes!!!there's nothing can compare with passion in English learning ,especially in IELTS speaking ,i mentioned it for thousands of times in New Channel IELTS speaking classes ,and I live up with my words ,i guess my dear students can definitely feel the heat in class ,that's why they all say they don't know why they want to speak English in my class ,but they just speak .You know ,the passion in a person's eyes can light up the direction in life journey ,let alone the ielts speaking study!!!that's why i always encourage my students to be brave ,to try sth new ,to talk to foreigners anywhere you go and speak up no matter what.After all we can live only once and there's the only way we can be well-prepared for overseas study!

网友 :马老师久仰大名啊,我是6分班的学生,我们超喜欢你,还有吴慧冬老师,超级激情,听说你们俩是兄妹,还有人说是恋人哈,您最近有什么讲座吗?

马朝霞:Thanks .Mr wu is a proud teammate in New channel school .A wonderful speaking teacher .Just great great workmates .and we also have the wonderful 李鑫 马琳琳,definitely one of a kind!i am very proud of my IELTs speaking team,just the best ever!!!

网友 :马老师好 我十一特训为了您的课特地从深圳赶来北京雅思中国网,却没有听到您的课,太郁闷了。。。您什么时候才教课呢?寒假吗?

马朝霞:Yeah I was not in Beijing that time ,in other cities doing promoting lectures for New Channel.But i will be teaching lots of classes from today on because i miss you guys so much ,you know what ,i guess i am born to be an ielts speaking teacher!This is THE job like forever .So see you in New Channel!!!!p.s we can run in the morning and read English together again!!!

网友 :Rita 我是您暑假雅思中国网住宿班的学生,回到南京后好怀念您带我们一起晨跑,一起读英语的日子,我现在在努力地准备雅思考试,每次觉得坚持不住时都会想起您的哪句话:豁出去了!!!谢谢您!我会加油的

马朝霞:Thanks miss you too!!!how's your ielts preparation?the summer we all spent in New Channel boarding campus is just the most memorable experience in my life.豁出去了!!!

网友 :马老师我刚买了您的那本《就是要你过雅思口语6.5》的口语书,看了附录里的您的留学生活记,尤其是那篇《绝不言弃》您太棒了,您现在是我的超级偶像

马朝霞:hi I love my book!!!I am just so amazed that so many ielts students got it in so many cities because when i went to their city for lectures ,they all got it and asked me for book signinga and told me how my language touched them and how my Australian life stories changed their lives.I am just glad ,really!and the name is proposed by one of my students --《就是要你过雅思口语6.5》,beautiful name ,isn't it???

网友 :请问马老师雅思口语多久换一次新题?

马朝霞:almost every three months .but you can get the precise topics in Beijing New Channel speaking classes !Good luck!!!

网友 :马老师 我九月份在南开大学听过您的讲座,太cool了!我特喜欢你的激情,我现在都还记得你说的那句英语:if you want to pass IELTS 6.5 ,if you really want to pass 6.5,and if you want it badly enough ,you will certainly get it!哈哈。。。我现在把这句话写在我的日记本的首页,天天看。。。老师,谢谢您帮我把斗志找回来了!

马朝霞:I am sooooo into the sentence !Definitely my all-time favourite !!!Your university is great and i had a good time there!!!

网友 :马朝霞老师好 我听过您和胡敏老师的讲座,非常精彩,希望您多做讲座,给我们大学生们分享您的非同寻常的人生经历

马朝霞:Thanks !will try more !

网友jonah :马老师,你好。我即将在23号考雅思,您能不能帮忙预测一下试题呢???谢谢

马朝霞:sure please check with www.newchannel.org

网友jonah :再见到考官,他没问问题之前,和他说些什么比较好呢??

马朝霞:just greeting is ok .like you can talk about the weather,pay a bit of complments for what he /she wears.Try to be cool and calm ,keep smiling ,be confident ,you will be good !After all, well begun half done!!!

网友 :马老师 我同学上过您的雅思口语课,回来整一个人都变样了,每天都活力四射,还天天晨读英语,请问您是怎样做到像我同学形容的激情四射的?

马朝霞:haha...i guess your friend is hugely affected by the passion in class .Not to boast ,but i do believe a good ielts speaking class ,(good means students are willing to talk and just forget the time ,100%involved ,)a teacher's personality and life experience are pretty important and i have my way to encourage them ,say practise speaking strategies ,real-life practice ,let them wacth my precious DVD oprah winfrey show ,so you think you can dance at the very begining of my class to warm up the English atmosphere ...haha i will see you in New Channel some day ,you will feel it yourself!!!

网友 :Rita I miss u ~

马朝霞:Miss you guys toooooo

网友jonah :马老师,你好。我即将在23号考雅思,您能不能帮忙预测一下试题呢???谢谢

马朝霞:请从我的博客上查看近三个月雅思口语必考话题,刚和澳洲的学生联系,澳洲悉尼也是这些题,没变,九月考题中第一部分holiday ,computer ,clothes,special meaning of Chinese name ,music ,arts house reading photo 比较平凡,出国考的朋友也要注意。具体的题请查看我们雅思中国网的官方网站口语部分预测。

网友 :怎样使用您那本 口语6.5的书呢??


网友 :雅思口语考试中发音重要还是流利程度重要?

马朝霞:both are important !but don't worry too much about your pronunciation when in the test ,act normal ,keep talking ,as long as your English can be understood ,and you can use the exact words and sentences to express yourself ,plus certain complex sentence structures and great words ,you will get a good score.Good luck!!


马朝霞:HI guys i have to stop here because my team is waiting outside 51ielts .com building ,haha...we have an ielts lecture tonight !Let's rock !!!May you succed in your ielts test!!!!! See you some day in Beijing New Channel school!!!北京雅思中国网 马朝霞

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