51:各位51网友大家下午好,欢迎关注本期嘉宾访谈,今天我们请到的嘉宾是雅思中国网(福州)培训中心雅思听力口语专家Jamie Jane Cheng,非常欢迎,请先和广大网友打个招呼吧!
Jamie Jane Cheng:Hi, it's nice to be here. I will try my best to answer all your questions. So, ...start asking now..
网友 :我从未接受过雅思培训,打算明年考,现在准备来得及吗?最好什么时候考?谢谢老师!
Jamie Jane Cheng:You have to take an assessment test first to know your English ability , and then you can decide on which class you should take...If your English level is low then you should take the test one month after your training to give you some time to do a lot or IELTS exercises
网友 :老师您好,我马上就要考雅思了,24的,您认为在这次考试中,哪类topic频率会比较容易出现
Jamie Jane Cheng:The common topics in the test are about person,place,event ,object,animal and this year there is a new topic about law.
网友 :老师能介绍一下拿到一份试卷认为的正确的做法步骤和技巧是什么啊?谢谢你了!
Jamie Jane Cheng:The first part of the IELTS test is the listening part. So after you receive your test paper you should start to read the instructions first and then analyze the questions.
网友 :做来做去,只有7分,想再提高一点,到8分,要怎么努力?
Jamie Jane Cheng:IELTS Oral English is about communication. Therefore, if you want to have a higher band score of 8 , you should be able to communicate as natural as you can . Speaking naturally is the hardest part of the marking criteria.
网友 :老师,怎么能从口语5分 提高到6分以上呢?需要怎么样的准备条件?
Jamie Jane Cheng:Fluency,vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation are the things that you should improve in order to achieve a good band score. And creativeness is also essential. Your answers should be different from other candidates.
网友张焱欣 :老师,我考了2次的口语都是5.5分,我自问我的发音还标准,就是答题的思维可能比较中国化,会解释一遍,再答重点,这是不是我口语的最大障碍呀?谢谢
Jamie Jane Cheng:Your answers should be exactly relevant to the questions and also it should be organzied specially in part two. Maybe your answers are also translated from chinese , this will make your answers sound awkard too.Hence,will make your band score lower.
网友 :老师您好~!! 高中生应该怎样准备雅思口语呢?
Jamie Jane Cheng:First , you have to polish your foundation of English and then you should have a professional training about the test because IELTS Oral English training is different from other ordinary Oral English classes. The training should be very strict and intensive.
网友钱悦 :考了两次都是5.5分,我的目标是6分以上,8月份听说更严格了。我应该怎么努力呢?我参加过新东方的口语测评是6.5
Jamie Jane Cheng:The most important things is to identify your weaknesses first. Is it your fluency or your grammar? Or maybe your vocabulary is not enough .The marking criteria for the pronunciation will be stricter in August. So try to imitate the pronunciation of native speakers from watching movies or TV. You have to do this practice continously and regularly in order to achieve a good result.
网友 :老师,我在听听力题的时候经常抓不了key point,怎样能集中精力抓到关键信息?
Jamie Jane Cheng:1.Get used to the speed of IELTS Listening.2.You should pay attention to the tone and intonation of the speakers. 3. Try to locate the signal words and then you can find the key points.
网友 :听力的时候怎样做笔记?做听力的时候眼睛用盯着题还是专心的做笔记?
Jamie Jane Cheng:If you want to imprrove your listening you should have do a lot of note taking. But in the test you should focus in understanding the questions.
网友 :老师我6月14号南京的考试中口语是6分,我该怎样准备能达到7分以上呢,尤其在新的考试形势下,我该报多少号的呢?
Jamie Jane Cheng:Normally, a candidate will have a good improvement after three months of non-stop practice. The test question's level of difficulty are the same as before but the marking criteria for pronunciation will be stricter.
网友 :我8月30号考雅思` 现在正在家里复习 口语是我的弱项~ 我是这样的复习的 我每天早上7点钟起来 朗读30分钟的雅思文章 下午也抽30的时间来朗读文章 晚上我像网上介绍的方法一样自己说英语 比如随便找一个东西用英语来描述它~ 我想问一下我这样的方法科学吗 有没有要注意的方面或者还要加强的一些方面 谢谢了
Jamie Jane Cheng:You should find osomebody who can practice with you. Find somebody who can ask you about the questions of IELTS Oral English. The test is about communicating so practicing by yourself is not sufficient.
Jamie Jane Cheng:Thank you!Best wishes!See you next time!
TAG: Jamie
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