
  Part I:单词与短语

  jazz n.爵士音乐;musical adj.音乐的,悦耳的;instrument n.器具;clavichord n.翼琴(钢琴的前身);Germany n.德国;keep vt. 保持;living room(n.)客厅;belong to(动词词组)属于;family n.家庭;grandfather n.祖父,外祖父;recently adv.近来,最近;damage vt.破坏,弄坏;string n.细绳,琴弦;break v.断裂,弄断;shock vt.使震惊;allow vt.允许;touch vt.触摸;repair vt.修理;a friend of my father’s我父亲朋友中的一位

  Part II:语法学习



  示例1:We call this old musical instrument a clavichord.(我们发出call这个动作,词序上体现的也是这个状态,所以,用主动态)

  示例2:This musical instrument is called a clavichord.(该乐器与称为call之间是被动关系,词序上体现的也是这个状态,所以要用被动态)

  示例3:It was made in Germany.(it与制造make之间是被动关系,词序上体现的也是这个状态,所以,用被动态)

  示例4:Our clavichord is kept in the living room.(钢琴与keep之间是被动关系,词序上亦如此,所以用被动态)

  示例5:The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.(该乐器与购买buy之间是被动关系,而且词序上亦如此,所以用被动态)

  示例6:Recently it was damaged by a visitor.(it与damage之间是被动关系,词序上亦如此,所以,用被动态)

  示例7:Two of the strings were broken.(strings与break之间是被动关系,词序上亦如此,所以用被动态)

  示例8:My father was shocked.(父亲与shock之间是被动关系,词序上亦如此,所以用被动态)

  示例9:We are not allowed to touch it.(我们与allow之间是被动关系,词序上亦如此,所以用被动态)

  示例10:It is being repaired by a friend of my father’s.(it与repair之间是被动关系,词序上亦如此,所以用被动态,同时,被修理的工作正处于进行中,所以用了进行体)

  Part III:综合训练

  We have an old musical instrument (1) it is (2 call) a clavichord. It was (3 make) in Germany in 1681 (4) is (5 keep) in the living room. The instrument was (6 buy) by my grandfather many years ago (7) it has (8 belong) to our family (9) a long time. Recently it was (10 damage) by a visitor (11) she tried to play jazz (12) it. She struck the keys (13) hard (14) two of the strings were (15 break). My father was (16 shock) (17) now we are not (18 allow) (19) touch it. It is now (20 be) (21 repair) by a friend of my father’s.


  (1) and; (2) called; (3) made; (4) and; (5) kept; (6) bought; (7) and; (8) belonged; (9) for; (10) damaged; (11) when; (12) on; (13) so; (14) that; (15) broken; (16) shocked; (17) and; (18) allowed; (19) to; (20) being; (21) repaired

  Part IV:句型转换


  1. We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord.

  2. It was made in Germany in 1681. It is kept in the living room.

  3. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. It has belonged to our family for a long time.

  4. Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it.

  5. She struck the keys too hard. Two of the strings were broken.

  6. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it.

  7. Two of the strings were broken. It is being repaired by a friend of my father’s.


  1. We have an old musical instrument and it is called a clavichord.

  2. It was made in Germany in 1681 and is kept in the living room.

  3. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago and it has belonged to our family for a long time.

  4. Recently it was damaged by a visitor when she tried to play jazz on it.

  5. She struck the keys so hard that two of the strings were broken.

  6. My father was shocked and now we are not allowed to touch it.

  7. Two of the strings were broken and it is being repaired by a friend of my father’s.

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