
这套含有35个题目的测试题是我提供给大家检查自己语法基本功的。Time Limit: 15min
                           Test Paper
1. The public ____generous in their contributions to earthquake victims.
  A. is    B. are    C. were   D. has been
2. The committee ____, and it has decided to dismiss him.
  A. were met    B. has met   C. have met  D. was met
3. These deer ____small compared with other species of deer.
  A. are   B. is   C. do   D. does
4. The Smiths ____their breakfast when the morning post came.
  A. had   B. has been having  C. are having  D. were having
5. Interest, as well as prospects, ____ important when one looks for a job.
A. was  B. is  C. were   D. are
6. Neither Bill nor his parents ____at home.
A. is    B. are   C. has    D. was
7. Computers can do ____work in a short time, but a man can not do much by himself.
A. a great many  B. a great deal  C. a great deal of  D. a great many of
8. The Department purchased ____to improve the working conditions there.
A. a new furniture         B. a new piece of furniture
C. new furnitures          D. new pieces of furnitures
9. At least we are required to write five _____every year.
A. theses    B. thesis    C. thesises     D. pieces of thesis
10. He has given a series of ____of his honesty.
A. proof    B. prooves    C. proofs    D. proofes
11. "What can I do for you?" "I want____."
A. two dollar's worth of candy         B. two dollars' worth of candy
C. two dollars worth of candy          D. two dollars-worth candy
12. ____have known each other for ten years.
A. He and I   B. I and he   C. He and you    D.I and you
13. Some of his books are saved from the fire, but ____missing.
A. most of mine is  B. most of mine are  C. most of my is  D. most of me are
14. The West Lake is one of ____beautiful lakes in China.
A. the most of  B. the most  C. most of  D. most
15. ____tend to bemoan(悲伤) the lack of character in the young generation.
A. The old  B. Old    C. Elderly     D. Older
16. I planned to go there ____.
A. by air    B. by an air   C. by the air   D. by airs
17. Mack is fond of playing ____.
A. football  B. the football  C. footballs  D. a football
18. Please go to ____to get the stamp.
A. fourth window   B. the fourth window  C. window fourth   D. the window four
19. The wheels of the old wagon are nearly _____those of a modern car.
A. three times the size of     C. three time size of
B. three times size of        D. three time the sizes of
20. The sun ____in the east and ____in the west.
A. rise, set    B. rises, sets     C. rose, set     D. is rising, is setting
21. It’s time he ____what is wrong.
A. was told     B. is told    C. must be told    D. can tell
22. He ____with smith at least four times in the past three years.
A. has been seen to meet         B. was seen to meet  
C. had been seen meeting        D. is seen meeting
23. By the end of last year they ____1000 machines.
A. turned out    B. had been turned out    C. had turned out    D. have turned out
24. Hardly ____when it began to rain.
A. did he return  B. had he returned   C. he returned   D. he had returned
25. You've already got our invitation, _____?
A. don't you     B. won't you    C. haven't you    D. aren't you
26. Don't tell me the matter, _____?
A. do you     B. don't you     C. won't you    D. will you
27. Let's go to the dining hall together, _____?
A. will you    B. shall we   C. won't you   D. shan't we
28. Let us go with you , ____?
A. will you    B. shall we   C. won't you   D. shan't we
29. The law requires all cars ____ for safety.
A. regularly tested  B. be regularly tested  C. to be regularly tested  D. being regularly tested
30. The factory ____next year will be one of the largest in this city.
A. being built   B. having been build   C. to build   D. to be built
31. The worker is ____in repairing the machine to notice my coming.
A. too busy   B. enough busy   C. very busy   D. busy enough 
32. I haven't decided which hotel ____.
A. to stay    B. is to stay    C. to stay at    D. is for staying
33. We didn't do anything but ____at home watching TV for 3 hours.
A. stay    B. to stay    C. stayed   D. staying
34. It is no good ____today’s work for tomorrow.
  A. to leave  B. leaving   C. that you leave  D. leave
35. It was surprising to see so high a bridge over ____.
A. a so small river  B. so small a river   C. a such small river  D. such small a river

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