

需要提醒大家的是,考生在使用机经的时候最好是选择专业老师给出的机经,因为这样的机经才具有完整性和可训练性。例如,很多学生对着中文的“警察是否应该配枪”作训练,出来的文章和实际题目中的“Unlike other countries, police in Britain do not carry guns. Some people believe that it will leave citizens unprotected, but some suggest that it reduces the overall violence in society. Discuss those two views.(见《朗文雅思冲刺1》)”在要求上颇有偏差,在考场上容易出现“偏题”的现象。除了老师的话题辅导,在写作的时候,考生普遍感到困难的是写作思路的问题。大家知道,雅思作文话题题材异常广泛,包括科技、教育、健康、环保、犯罪、文化传统、时尚、体育运动、动物保护、政府职能等等,其实不少话题我们中文写作课都罕见,如“强迫人们50岁退休是否合情合理?”,“分析语言文化消失的成因,提出相应对策”,“警察是否应该配枪?”。难怪不少同学感叹道:“这些题材用汉语也不见得能飞洒自如,有感而发!” 即使老师压中了题目,是否能够准备出高分作文都是难题。因此,笔者一直主张“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。”强调提升学员的写作实力,而非单纯的考试。


下面简单介绍十大原则的由来,并结合2005年的考题详细讲解怎样利用十大原则备战雅思写作。 “写作十大原则”其实是笔者通过研究众多雅思写作话题的“共性”,归纳出来的万用观点,是属于“精”的那一类观点。换句话说,是英语作文必备观点,属于“万金油”、“救命稻草”和“保底”类的观点。对已出现的作文考题稍作分析,笔者发现,尽管雅思作文话题多达数百题,不少话题的论据其实是类似,相近或者是相通的。例如,“远程教育是否将取代传统学校”=“电脑是否将取代老师”,“是否应该按照学生学习能力分班”=“智商高的学生是否应该和智商一般的学生同班学习”,“动物园有没有必要”=“该不该保护濒危动物”,“政府该不该资助艺术家”=“政府该不该投资艺术项目如音乐厅、博物馆等”。

 “写作十大原则”包括以下方面:(1) ECONOMY (2) TIME (3)HEALTH (4) EDUCATION (5) EMOTION (6) PSYCHOLOGY (7) RIGHT (8) ENVIRONMENT (9)CULTURE (10) MORALITY。大部分雅思话题的正反论据都涉及到“十大原则”中的其中几个方面。只要掌握了十大原则及其核心词汇,不管考试中遇到什么话题,都能够说出个所以然,不会出现思维短路现象,或者有感而发不出来。
 下面我们通过分析2005年2月部分考题来验证十大原则的高效性。2月5号的A类考题为:“现代科技促进食品行业的发展,提供了各种美味食品如转基因食品等。但是有人却担心这将对人的健康构成潜在威胁。你的看法怎样?”本题与《朗文雅思冲刺2》中的作文题目基本吻合。做题的第一步骤是判断该题属于DISCUSSION还是ARGUMENTATION。从题目我们可以断定,该题属于ARGUMENTATION型(FOR AND AGAINST)。然后按照十大原则进行BRAINSTORMING,看看正反方的论据有几方面涉及到十大原则,按照FOR 和AGAINST 罗列出来。最后利用十大原则核心词汇把各个观点有机地串起来。
 FOR (涉及经济、健康、环保、文化等原则)
 1.经济原则:Genetically modified (GM) food is a key area of agricultural biotechnology. Supporters of GM food believe the technology could offer cheaper, safer and more nutritious food.
 2.健康原则:Genetically modified food activists promise gene technology will supply plentiful amounts of food to starvation stricken areas in the Third World.
 3.健康原则:Genetically modified crops (transgenic crops) are best known for their abilities to resist pests (weeds, insects, and diseases) or for produce containing high nutrient levels.
 4.经济和健康原则:Transgenic crops may provide increased profits to the farmer while providing cheaper and more nutritious food.
 5.环保原则:Genetic engineering also has helped make crops available that could not otherwise tolerate adverse environmental conditions (drought, cold, high salt levels in the soils, etc.).
 6.经济、环保和健康原则Such crops are capable of resisting pests, generating higher yields, and producing food with high nutrient content. They are considered an effective means of dealing with pest problems while reducing production costs.
 7.经济原则:A possible benefit of transgenic crops or animals is that they can be bred for desirable traits very precisely and much faster than when traditional methods are used.
 8.健康原则:Certain transgenic crops (e.g., "golden rice" capable of synthesizing the precursor of Vitamin A) are capable of producing higher amounts of nutrients and vitamins, which could be have a great impact on solving nutrition problems in heavily populated and underdeveloped countries.
 9.文化原则:GMF technology provides us with a rich variety of foods that enrich our diet and may introduce new culture of eating and diverse cuisines.
 10.经济原则:According to its proponents, genetic engineering could improve the growth rate and yield from crops, and so feed more people from the available land, in the face of the expansion of the world's population.
 11.环保原则:It may be possible to develop genetically modified plants to be more resistant to the vagaries of climate, or to grow on marginal land prone to drought or erosion, or highly salt or acid conditions.
 12.健康原则:GM food increases the nutritional qualities of food from crops and animals.
 13.环保和健康原则:The environmental advantages of reducing chemical inputs to the land, the possibility of growing crops in hitherto marginal regions of the Third World, and the improvements in nutritional qualities of food are excellent goals, and would be welcomed by most people. 

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