
Language Test

We suggest that you test your English-language communication skills. The result will help you determine an appropriate study programme.

The following test contains 100 questions and will test all levels of English between Elementary and Advanced.

Choose the correct answer to each question.

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My name is Hiroshi.

I秉 from Tokyo, Japan.

I'm student. I English in Bournemouth. I Bournemouth very much. There are lots of shops, clubs and restaurants the town. There lots of foreign students here. We have great parties!

is OK. time of the year is in January. I with an English family. Their house is the centre of town. My English family is very nice but I the food very much. We eat potatoes night. Japanese people prefer rice. in Bournemouth for another three months. Then I back to Japan - and no more potatoes!

Heidi is a friend of Hiroshi's.

She is studying English in England too.

Read about Heidi and choose the correct answers.

Hello! I'm Heidi and I'm . I'm a friend Hiroshi's. I in a bank in Zurich. I English classes in Switzerland. But I needed English for my job. So I came to school in Bournemouth my English. I'm only here for a weeks. Then I to get back to work. I life as a student. I get up much later than at home. And I like new friends and visiting new places. We to Salisbury and Bath. Last weekend, we the Isle of Wight. This Saturday, to London. I go back to Switzerland!

This picture is from a tourist guide to Bournemouth.

Choose the correct answers:

Bournemouth a popular seaside resort for well over a hundred years. Bournemouth developed when sea-bathing fashionable. In Victorian England, doctors thought sea-bathing good for the health. Now thousands of visitors come Bournemouth's beaches every summer. The town itself has attractions. It has theatres, conference halls, sports centres schools for foreign students. There are a great many hotels cater for a variety of different needs. And there is self-catering accommodation available. During the summer there spectacular firework displays every week. And for nightbirds, there are many clubs, cinemas, pubs and casino. For people enjoy sports, there is everything from sub-aqua to tennis. Bournemouth International Airport is fifteen minutes the centre of town. Heathrow and Gatwick airports a short journey away by coach or train. In short, Bournemouth has for everyone. ?Welcome Bournemouth!

Claudia is 28 years' old. She is Colombian.

Claudia studied business English at BBSI. She is now working for a PR company in Bogota. This is what Claudia had to say about her course.

Choose the correct answers.

Well, if it for my course, I'd never able to get the job I'm doing now. I for two or three companies in Bogota, but never learnt some of the basic skills I to climb the ladder. In BBSI they me all those things - all the communication and business skills I [52] to make contact with people in other countries - like writing business letters, telephone techniques, negotiating, meetings, preparing and presentations. It very hard work! I also studied management, marketing, finance and computer skills - I learnt how a spreadsheet, to send e-mail, to explore the Internet and to create documents.

In my final term they set up several interviews with marketing and PR companies in the Bournemouth area. I went to the interviews and got a three-month work placement. It was very good experience, with an English company. I think English people difficult to work with - it抯 difficult to know what they want - they never have time - but I certainly developed my interpersonal skills and learnt how to take on a challenge!

How did BBSI help me my new job? Well, they helped me develop my CV - with that, my Business Diploma, my work placement Certificate and the reference that the company working for me with, I no trouble getting my new job. And after with English people, working with Colombians is dead easy!

Mei Ti Chang comes from Taiwan. She came to BBSI to acheive a level of English necessary for entry to a UK university.

BBSI assisted Mei Ti Chang with her university placement.

I have been studying English for three years now. I'm hoping to [67] a job in Tourism.

When I finished High School I interested in doing business English but wasn't very good at English. I wanted to study Business Administration at university England and get a degree, but I didn't know how to go about . Anyway, I found details of Bournemouth Business School International the Internet. I noticed they had a programme which could me all the way from an Intermediate of English right through to university. I to do the course.

During the part of the course you learn lot of English and computer skills. a teacher helps you study for IELTS exam - you have to pass that you want to get into an university. The classes were good. My teachers all about the different types course I could study at university told me about each different university. There's so much choice it [87] difficult to decide! But my teacher helped and I made a short list of five The school arranged for me to them and talk to the students staff. I chose my favourite - it the University of Westminster in London. school helped me apply through UCAS. I a bit, then I heard Westminster. It was news - they offered me a conditional place, provided I got level 6 [97] the IELTS exam. Which I did! now I'm here, studying Business Administration Westminster - it's like a dream come !

Score: out of 100

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