第一部分的个人熟悉话题问答题:当考官问道:“Do you like Music?”考生回答:“观点:yes, I do.理由:Cuz music makes me feel relaxed.例子:for example, sweet and light music are the best choice.下面我们来
在雅思口语考试第一部分中,经常会被问到关于习惯和频率类的问题。比如:How often do you go to the cinema ?Where do you usually buy your clothes ?When do you listen to music ?At what time of day do you us
Pls just take this as a reference: SCIENCE LESSON/COURSE YOU HAVE LEARNEDThe science lesson impresses me the most is the one about Darwin's evolutionary theory in my biology class. It claims all speci
I’ve focused much attention on teaching speaking in an ESL class. Due to my working experience in tackling with IELTS speaking module, I’ve encountered with some interesting ideas about teaching spe