2次口语考试碰到的是同一个考官,英国男人,英伦范,我说 see you again,他也点头,明显是记得我了。
Part2 describe a well-known presenter in news or TV station
3部分,问为什么中国有那么多人愿意做主持人?答:respect money
19号 上海华东师大 文科415 中年严肃男子,考官号忘了
section1:name,student or work/why,nature voice(有点奇怪确认了一下,考官似乎也觉得问题没说清楚,我回答了我的观点后,他又问了noise?感觉回答比较好)。。。
secton2;about a disliked tv programe/晕倒!!不喜欢的节目--没准备,只想到了blind date,totally brain-damaged 完全没有内容很空洞,很boring,答完后,考官很诧异的看了我一眼,说了句:did you often watch tv? 我还停留在刚才,附和地说了yes....马上考官下定决心考死你!
section3: 扩展tv program 的话题,中国人喜欢的节目有哪些/why,我回答了体育节目,结果他有问除了体育还有设么,晕!随便mak up了一些,最后 compare现在的节目和过去的不同/why最后发觉就死在tv program 上了
感觉s1和s3 判若两人,悬殊估计2分左右,现在只能pray god给我6分以上了!高估了自己应对能力,罪在无准备,无应对,心理素质薄弱,引以为戒!
为了积累人品。 6月20号福州307室。 Part 1: what is your favourite season. what is your favourite colour. which colour do you want to paint your wall? what is the best thing of your hometown? How often do you relax?
Part 2: what kind of music most popular. where is it played? why popular?
Part 3: what is the influence of music on people? the influence of internet on music ? why some people want to be famous in music? what is the impact on people's passion?