以下是引用Yiko在2006-8-5 20:01:37的发言:北京
8月5日 5:15 pm.
P1: 1.全名 2.学生还是工作了 3.什么专业的;哪个大学;为什么选择现在的专业,有什么特别的原因吗? 4.经常和家人一起吃饭吗?
5:空闲的时候喜欢和朋友一起做什么? 6:你认为你和朋友之间最重要的是什么?
P2: 交通工具(a car or a bicycle):
P3: 基本还是围绕交通工具来说,然后也问了一些关于Car的.
1.交通工具给人们带来的好的方面 2.相反的,给人们带来那些坏的方面的影响 3,在中国,人们通常选择什么样的交通工具?
以下是引用emailmewhp在2006-8-5 20:19:01的发言: It's been almost three months since I first came here. Finally, I finished my three modules today. It is a good time to share some of my experience with my fellow candidates.
Before the test, I didn't have time to read the Listening key, which proved to be very useful for today's listening test. When I checked the discussion, I found I made a few mistakes. Following is what I can remember about this test(5th Aug). To make sure that students may have a general idea about this test, I use full sentences rather than single words. SENTENCES WITH ? ARE POSSIBLE ANSWERS.
Listening Test
Section 1, A lady orders a bed for her son over telephone. I can not remember all the details, the following is an outline
They talk about the size of the bed for her son.
They also talk about a bed table, which has a light and a top drawer
Then they fix a delivery time. The lady is always home at morning, but if the bed comes at another time, they agree to leave it in the garage.
Section 2, A man talks about temporary jobs.
The three most available ones are: laboring jobs, domestic jobs, child care?
Section 3, A female student discusses her assignment with her tutor.
First part is about the general information of the assignment, the student should check the accuracy of the references.
Second part is about the presentation. Short-answer questions. No more than 4 words, so for the second short-answer question (what must the student do in the presentation), my answer was: explain the experiment carefully---?
Section 4, Ms. Chan gives a lecture on the marine animal lab she works at.
Why she likes to work here? ----wide range of educational functions? (SINCE THIS IS A MCQ, SO THE ONE WITH THE EDUCATION IS RIGHT)
What research she is currently doing? ---immune systems
Why study marine organisms? Because their straightforward body structure (not complicated)
What makes this lab so different (unique)----because this lab respects the environment
Table, compare three marine organisms
First one is related to the family of spider, can be used to test contamination of space equipments
Second one?
Third one-- can be used to study skin injury
Reading Test
First one: A scientific article on ocean vents, how it forms, its function for the regulation of ocean temperatures and ?, the organisms living near these vents and their relationships with bacteria; why studying these organisms are relevant.
Second one: the history, principle, and future of fuel-cell vehicles technology;
Third: Adrian already gave.
Writing: Adrian already gave.
Forgive me for my rather rash and incomplete memory, I must prepare for my speaking test tomorrow morning.
以下是引用jessica8788在2006-8-5 21:18:12的发言:我在北语,14:40考,404教室,一个特别和蔼的老头
PART 1 住在HOUSE 还是APARTMENT 希望以后住在什么样的房子里 最喜欢的屋子 MUSIC 还有 PHOTO
PART 2 一次不愉快的购物经历
PART 3 问了我好多好多 什么怎么可以做好售后服务 怎么样可以让顾客满意 人工东西和机器做的东西那个好 机器做的有什么优点缺点
以下是引用jenny7186在2006-8-5 21:54:35的发言:北京,14.20
第一部分,先问你的FULL NAME,你现在是工作还是学习?你经常去购物吗?你以后想换工作吗?
以下是引用stuartlittle在2006-8-5 22:45:14的发言:天津 room2 5/8 下午17:15
好像是个新手,男的,二十多岁 ,太令我惊奇了 上来就问 :describe ur home , where are u living ? 第一个问题啊 我答了住在一栋五层楼房里 ,使三室一层 , 他竟然还盯着我等我接着说,天啊,我俩足足相了十秒钟的面 !! 但后来好些了~~~~
part 1 : house you are living , do u like it ,if let u choose which kind do u want ? / what about dancing in china / do u like taking photoes ?
part 2 : sth u bought felt regret (old one )
part 3 : consumer or seller should have more protection ? why ? what do u think the consumer riht ? what's the situation in china ( 难道他是学经纪的 晕 )and so on which i forgot :)

以下是引用happyhelene919在2006-8-5 22:45:57的发言:杭州考点:
以下是引用hyyjenny在2006-8-5 22:58:28的发言:天津下午15点20
introduce yourself
describe which broght you are not happy
the different between market, supermarket and small shop.
以下是引用audrnr218在2006-8-5 23:02:51的发言:我在青岛考的,8月5日下午17:55考,考场最后一个,进去很热情的给老外打招呼可是她看起来很无精打采,是不是弄了一下午累了?可是搞的我有点放不开...
PART1 问我是学生还是工作了?问我在什么学校?什么专业?为什么选我那学校?你怎么看待友谊?友谊对你来说重要吗?你都通过什么方式交朋友?你通常跟朋友一起做什么?
PART2 问到 你帮助的一个人,这个人在你帮助下怎么样了?
PART3 问到 现在人都考虑自己,你怎么看?政府建立什么机构帮助穷人了吗?家庭成员之间都怎样互相帮助?(这个题预测上没有)我自己胡说的- -!!
以下是引用linsielts在2006-8-5 23:27:59的发言:天津:
以下是引用Ann0607在2006-8-6 0:16:57的发言:CN001乌鲁木齐 version01645 16:15
a thing that do not happy;
手工制品与机械制品在质量上的比较,各自优缺点,手工制品是否会流行in the future(与3G预测题一模一样)


以下是引用kingkong__2010在2006-8-6 7:47:14的发言:describe a building in your school:
the building that enjoy in the school is the library,i enjoy it because it is a place on universities campus where i can go to learn as well as to relax.there are so many books there...books for entertaimment as well as for education.i enjoy this building because it located on a part of campus that is not diffcult to get to, it is not a very large building but it is big enough to fit many student at one time, i go there many time to get away from noise and to relax. i enjoy going there to read books and do some research on my classes.during that time i am enable to relax and get a lot of work done.

以下是引用kingkong__2010在2006-8-6 7:50:29的发言:Do you like school? why? Yes i like school very much. I enjoy learning. I think that being able to go to school is a great opportunity. I think that with education i can achieve allot in this world. There are many things that i enjoy about school. I enjoy the opportunity to learn many different subjects. I am grateful that i can have many different teachers. It is very interesting because these teachers have many differnent teaching styles. Some teachers are very serious and teach only from the from of the classroom. Other teachers like my english teacher named Dylan teaches English. I really enjoy the way that she teaches our class. While teaching she walk through the class and helps out many students |

以下是引用elff在2006-8-6 9:50:49的发言:有考到音乐,中国人喜欢的音乐,音乐的好处,设制音乐课的目的,学校,科目,
以下是引用xishu在2006-8-6 10:08:35的发言:我朋友刚考回来
北京 上午9:20 是个很和蔼的老头 她说感觉很好
专业 学校设施 鸟 舞蹈
第二部分是 一次不愉快的购物经历
然后问了 有关于服务的东东 怎样提高服务水平 还有手工和机器制造有什么区别 以后哪种会更流行
祝福自己 也祝福还没有考的人
以下是引用瓶子爱蛋炒饭在2006-8-6 10:21:11的发言:
以下是引用whitemint在2006-8-6 10:27:18的发言:9:20 XIAMEN
PART1 鸟和MUSIC。还有乐器。。
PART3 关于孩子、国家、男人女人的FREE TIME的想法。

以下是引用lxm198723在2006-8-6 10:28:38的发言:口语完了...爽..
名字 , 从哪里来, 你喜欢农村还是城市,你在那个大学上学,你喜欢在城市上学还是在农村上学?你喜欢和朋友们欢度时间吗?为什么?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-6 11:03:22编辑过]