一、听力 Section 1 该部分为V30039S1和V09133S1结合出题;具体大家查看2011年机经版本; Section2 该部分为新题,出题形式为选择题和地图题; 注:该部分选择题题干和选项均较长;请大家务必按照选择题解题步骤进行,尽可能增加听前试题熟悉度; Section3=V30034S3 一个男士confirm presentation的时间,以及要带的材料答案顺序可能不对 21时间Time:(early evening) 另外一种说法:Date:(14thto 24thJune) 22.you need to do a report to(your seminar group) 23---24).带的材料items you have to take: 23.(list of objectives) 24.(project outline) 25—27).作用the purpose of presentation:证明作者的什么能力ability? 25.是否做了did you do(wide reading) 26.能不能做出(a clear argument) 27.how well you can do to(design research) 28---30)老师对于presentation 28.(theory chapters)(unsure) 29.the things you get:(checking list) 30..填写一个网址:www.(student link).com Section4=V30090S4 讲一个调查,新西兰研究儿童健康情况的报告 1先说了两个部门Health Department University(已给) 2-3研究的三个方面food intake eating pattern physical activity(已给) 4-7是选择 4这个调查是怎么选的学校选at random 5在哪接受调查选at home 6 young children比old children我选的是做更多运动那项/wide range of food(原文提到more active)unsure 7 old children更易...想不起来了A容易被同龄人影响more easily to be influenced by their peers 8-10是填空 8某些孩子缺少Vitamin A(不确定好多人都这么说我忘了自己写的什么了) 9 Pacific的孩子吃more fish than European children 10除了政府social workers之外schools也应该关注该问题 二、阅读 难度适中:A类第一篇是讲的现代交通系统,三种题型 T/F/NG,matching,填空。 三、写作 Task1: A类小作文是四个饼图,分别代表4个国家的水的用处的百分比——农业,工业,家庭用,就是把剑桥6TEST1和剑桥7TEST 4的小作文相结合。 G类小作文是投诉信:向商店经理投诉新买的电视机坏的详细描述故障原因,及对经理的要求1.give details of the television and when you bought it 2.explain what the damage is 3. ask the manager what to do the next. Task2: A类大作文和素材:国际旅游利弊-报告型 How can countries ensure that tourism benefits the development?/What can countries do to make tourism ensure the development? G类大作文-也是国际旅游利弊,讨论国际旅行对年轻人的是好还是坏Some people think it is a valuable experience to travel abroad for young people. Others think it wastes time and expense. Discuss both of views and give your own opinion. 四、口语 Part One Your studies or major\work, Your hometown, Housework, museum, language, watching TV, reading newspaper, travel by air, historical building, news, movie, number, flower, concert VS listening CD, science, organizing time, email VS letter, festival, popular activities, gift, pet, collecting, daily life\routine Part Two Describe your ideal room / your dream house Describe a person with the spirit of adventure(有探险精神的人) Describe a broken electronic item Describe something expensive you bought Describe something you could do to help the environment(如果大的方面很难说,那就从你身边做起,如植树、参加绿色环保组织等) Describe an advertisement (科勒马桶广告、脑白金也不错) Describe a new law (that makes the place you live better(酒后驾车、医疗场所禁烟等) Describe a job you want to do in the future Describe an item of clothing that was bought for you. Describe a gift you gave to someone else Describe an old friend Describe a place you usually go for meals\lunch Describe a piece of advice someone gave to you Describe a naughty thing you did in childhood Describe a person you helped Describe a visit you made to your family or friends (新题,福州) Describe a friend/someone you admire Describe a kind of foreign food you’d like to try(新题,南昌/成都) Describe a skill you learned recently Describe a successful person. Describe a project or some work that you did with others. Describe a quiz show Describe an old person Describe a person who speaks a foreign language Describe something you celebrate in your country/hometown Describe a long-distance journey Describe some changes you want to make for your lifestyle to keep your fit and healthy Describe a historical building you know Describe a noisy place (where,why noisy,etc) Describe a skill you recently learned by using a computer Describe something you bought which is valuable Describe a small and successful company Describe a place near water Describe a job that you would like to do Describe a book you have read Describe a good friend of yours Describe a newspaper Describe someone you would like to travel with Describe a type of music that is popular in your country Describe a Leisure Centre Describe a time you were late Describe something you are interested in Describe an experience when you were on beach Describe a dangerous sport Describe an educational TV program Describe a child you know Describe something you are good at Describe your favorite photo Describe your house you are living Describe a famous person Describe a practical skill for children Describe a piece of news which is interesting Describe a peaceful place Describe a building at school Describe an important thing in your life Describe something you want to buy Describe an outdoor activity Describe a
第二篇讲的是agriculture in New Zealand
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