本次考试为2016年的第一场雅思考试,本场开始延续了15年的势头,出现了AB卷,同学们可以持续关注我们的考情解析。Section 1 旧题, 农场参观预定;选择8填空2Section 3 Geography Study Syndicate; 填空10
Section 4 night shifts; 填空10
Section 1 旧题, 农场参观预定;选择8填空2Section 3 Geography Study Syndicate; 填空10
Section 4 night shifts; 填空10
Section 1
场景:男士打电话咨询一个办活动的场地,活动内容及费用1. 每次团体旅游能容纳几个人 A. 15 B. 20 C. 382. how is the meeting room now A. meeting room unavailable B. flooded3. 什么情况用餐要预定? B. the farmer cooks for them4. 去农场可以干什么? A. hear information about organic farming6. 去最近的地方怎么去? C. cycling route7. 如果下雨的话,可以去哪里? C. museum8. 预定付多少钱 A. 提前支付全部 B. part of the money C. 到付解析:在sec1就出现大面积的选择题是之前考试中比较少见的,同学们一定要认真利用审题时间,按修饰语名词动词的顺序划好关键词。选项中unavailable要注意反义前缀。
Section 2

17. Where did Peter find the job? B. internet
18. Why did Peter choose this job? A. easy B. challenging C. unusual19. Which does Peter like of this job? B. work with children20. What will Peter do during his vacation? A. he wants to find a job解析: Sec2属于常规题型,表格中基本没有难词,注意formal的拼写顺序。Good pay在听力中会出现失去爆破的现象,/d/不会发出来,同学们要注意。
Section 3
场景:Geography Study Syndicate 讲几个学生打算组成学习的syndicates 以及打算做这个的原因有什么,中间部分讲了组内成员的分工,最后讲了资料的来源以及怎么去做展示。21. the benefits of going to syndicate: share ideas22. do much deeper research
Date | Event | Person |
待补充 | 23. mountain building | Bob |
24. from 17th May to 25. 29th May | 待补充 | 待补充 |
26. presentation lasts for 30-40 minutes27. time for questions and discussions for last 10-15 minutes28. articles from journal29. courses from internet30. photocopy of notes (OHP/ white board)解析: Sec3属于常规学生讨论场景,类似pre分工讨论。特别注意复数形式,不要漏听了s。journal的拼写要提起注意。C7T4S3,C9T4S3都可参照做题。
Section 4
场景:讲夜班对身体的影响,介绍了background 和原因,以及左后分别讲了对身体以及心理上的影响31. huge increase in number (上晚班的人数变多)解析: Sec4属于现象及影响的分析讲座。在拼写上要注意词根词缀的应用,常见的否定义的前缀,un,de要熟练。内容可参照C7T2S4的用手习惯作为比对听力。Section 1 旧题=V140301/V101030, 工作求职; 填空10Section 3 Geography Study Syndicate; 填空10Section 4 night shifts; 填空10
场景:An American boy wants to find a part-time job in the orchard2. Working Period: July to October3. The information is from the website (Firstly, the boy mentioned the website, and then he said the information from the agency was better)4. Busiest time: September5. Picking date decided by weather6. Additional wage over 18: 6.50/hour (Under 18 only 4.50)7. Accommodation: There is a campsite8. Advise to go around by bike9. Must work with passport10. Should bring own lunch and supply of water解析: B卷Sec.1回归常规,出现了大家最熟悉的填空。其中时间的表述出现的比较多,请大家务必熟悉星期和月份的全称拼写。在数字听写中,特别注意干扰条件的问题,比如 第6题,注意限制条件over 18. 比对练习可参照C9T1S1.
Section 2
Local dishes of fish, only in this part of the countryTerrance; enjoy the view of riverElegant, comfortable, smart inside解析: Sec.2配对加地图为常规搭配,在配对过程中,要注意信息多的一方先看,并划出区分性信息,在本题中主要是不同形容词。比对练习可参照C6T3S2, C7T4S2
Section 3
场景:一男一女两学生对话,谈论女生准备换专业的事情。21 Why the girl continue her current subject?
A score for credits B more guide from the tutor C not yet make a decision of changing
22 why consult her family members (telephoned her parents) to discuss the decision?
A can give her good advice (the family knows her very well) B disappointed on her decision C funding for her tuition
23 the man's attitude towards sport course (which is good for girls):
A good reputation B better job C she enjoy it
24 she agree with which factors she need to concern more when change a subject?
A extra pay B make up lessons C待补充
25 What her point of her current subject? 她现在对本科的观点是?A little practical B route to job26 ask for information about the new course: consult the tutor27 notice the Finance Office28 send email to: warfare director29 Contact administration office make a plan change,30 please go and contact the: residence hall
解析: Sec.3讨论选课也是一个大类话题,大家要熟悉对于课程的一些专门的名词course,tutor, tuition, credit等等。单词量的熟悉程度会直接影响读题速度。单选题部分要注意划关键词的熟练度和准确性,比如题干中反复出现的current,既是修饰限定语又是雅思考试的高频词。参照练习C8T3S3
31 the species can be found in shallow waters32 they are most likely to be found resting in beds of seagrass or coral reefs33 a thin skin covering a series of bony plates in rings34 They have an armor-like body composed of bony plates. approximately fifty, Together these bonyplates form the outer skeleton of the species.35 The seahorses head part looks like a crown bony crest called a coronet located on the backside of their head at the edge of the skull36 seahorses feed mainly on brine shrimp on minute crustaceans37 male caring for the eggs and giving birth the males have a brood organ into which the female places her eggs38 Their colors change due to diet, level of anxiety or stress, and/or mood, altercations in their environment, Threats威胁39 been endangered by over fishing- and habitat destruction. Seahorses also are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Seahorse populations are thought to have been endangered in recent years by~ and habitat destruction.There are many parasites and infections known to affect the seahorse解析: Sec.4出现了比较常见的动物场景,动物介绍主要会包括习性、特点、现状以及趋势。经常出现的角度是威胁的因素。在拼写上大家要注意准确,特别是shallow,要和shadow区分开。参照练习C6T4S4.
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