





The chart below shows the types of language train of employs in one Export  Company and the reasons why they learn a foreign language please summarize  the main features and make a comparison.




The chart depicts five ways of learning a foreign language in an export  company, followed by the analysis of reasons why they decide to acquire a  second language. The main features and a detailed comparison will be  presented below.


Apparently, a great number of staff chose to take in part-time training  after work, which takes up 38%. Meanwhile, 23% of them preferred  participating in part-time training in working hours. Comparatively, less of  them picked intensive courses with the percentage of 12 only. As for the rest  of them, 22% decided to study by themselves and 5% resorted to distance  learning. Thus, it could be concluded that language learning methods were  various to meet distinctive needs.


In addition, the reasons why they desire to acquire a second language  have also been identified. It is evident that near half of them consider  holiday travel as their main concerns, followed by business travel which only  occupied 18%. Besides, individual interests, like being curious about foreign  culture and longing for socializing with local people, are also strong motivations.  To be more accurate, 14% of them work for it due to personal interest and 13%  for meeting people. However, only 10% of them want to learn for the purpose  of communication with oversea clients. So both intrinsic motivation and  extrinsic motivation can be seen from this chart.







Some scientists believe intelligent life forms may  exist in other planets and some want to send messages to the space to contact  with these life forms. But other scientists believe it is a bad idea and it  could be dangerous. Discuss both ideas and give your own opinion.


Since human beings have existed in the Earth for  millions of years, some scientists are curious about other intelligent forms  in the universe. Some scientists attempt to communicate with these life  forms. However, others believe it would be hazardous. In the following essay,  both views will be explored as well as my personal stance.


On one hand, many scientists and evidence has  proved that humans are definitely not the only creature in the universe, so  contacting these intelligent life forms could be demanding. Specifically,  other life forms also existed on other planets; some of them even have  visited the Earth. For example, about several decades ago, an UFO has visited  a small town of America, and they did not attack the humans. They could have  destroyed the Earth if they had despicable plans. Therefore, contacting with  these unknown creatures could help us to know the outer space better, so it  would be beneficial for the humans to try to contact with these aliens.


In stark contrast, some other scientists believe  that contacting with life forms would bring danger to the humans because we  barely know them. To be precise, some scientists believe that these  intelligent life forms could be smarter than us, and have more advanced  technologies, people cannot win the war if they invade the Earth. Take films  as example, as it describes in Independence Day, aliens invaded the Earth as  they were aiming at the sufficient natural resources on earth and it is  totally for their own interest. Their attack caused huge damage to the earth  as human beings have no advanced weapon to fight back.


In my opinion, even getting in touch with aliens  could bring dangers to humans, it is still worth trying as I believe the  majority of them are seeking for peace of the whole universe and hostility is  barely carried. Looking for other creatures in the vast universe is a big  step for humans to explore the outer space. It could be a double-sword,  bringing both opportunities and challenges.   Whether aliens are dangerous dose not truly matter under this  circumstance, what is more important is that earthman, us, have the ability  and courage to take adventures in the unknown space and meet something new.

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