发贴:centenary 刚从考场回来,给大家通报一下今天在天津的口语 section1:name? working or studying?how to study computer?Do you like shopping? what's kind of clothes do you like? how about clothes
发贴:stoneone part1 full name where are you from?working or studying?which kind of job?let us talk about englishwhere did you learn english?why you choose english to study?part 2 cue cardjobwhat
发贴:noton S1, how do you spend your holiday? live in a flat or house? Describe? Do you like watching TV? why? Do people like watching TV in your country?S2, Change in your life?S3, what do you
发贴:liumarina 今天上午的口语问的有:part1:name ,what's the meaning of your name ?work or student?fashion,cloths,school life ,major, subject, etc. part2:famous person in your countrypart3:你认为
发贴:11234567 PART1: 问了很多问题, DO YOU LIVE IN A FLAT OR A HOUSE? Describe a favorite place in the flat? Describe some good things in your flat. Do you live sport? Do the people around you
发贴:NewZealandbaby 3月27日Hamilton口语安全回忆,刚刚下考场我刚刚下考场就来学校上网了,主要是考了这几部分healthy food,what do you like to eat ? people move from countryside to city, what are the
发贴:zei say something about your hometown,which schoolhealthy food habit in chinatopic: your favorite newspaper(1what is it? 2your most interesting part? why? 3 who buy it)what's your opinio
发贴:sindyshen 我也是今天下午沈阳考得,是关于school in your child。听说其他的topic还有:building,famous person; communcation method(not sure);school;newspaper or magazine.一下午基本都是这几个题目
发贴:xinri4月4日回忆如下:1,your full name?2.which city are you living in now?3,do you like living there? how do you think the people living there?4,do you like shopping? What kind of shopping do you